Cara Geelen is the Student of the Week for April 17th
Cara Geelen is the Student of the Week for April 17th. She is in the Early Childhood Education program at the Seneca Highlands Career and Technical Center. Cara is a senior enrolled at Austin High School. Upon graduation, Cara would like to attend Lock Haven University for Preschool through fourth grade education as well as special education.
Cara is well liked and is a good role model for the younger students entering the program. She is a hard worker and has shown much growth over the past three years at the Career and Technical Center. She is honest and takes accountability for her actions.
Cara has been volunteering at the Austin Elementary School in Mrs. Fiebig’s preschool class this academic year. She hopes to attain her Child Development Associate soon.
Eryn Fiebig, her Mentor teacher, had this to add about Cara’s performance: “I have had the pleasure of getting to know Miss Cara through her placement in my preschool classroom as a student aide. She is a hard working, committed student who has been a wonderful addition to my classroom. Cara has always presented herself in both a professional and approachable manner. She brings a sense of calm and positivity into the classroom, as she is very kind, caring, and attentive to the needs of all the students. Cara is well-liked and appreciated by staff as she is always pleasant and cooperative. Her positive attitude, willingness to continually learn, and dedication to the students make her a great asset, not only in the classroom but in the school as a whole. Being awarded Student of the Week is well deserved.” Thanks to Mrs. Fiebig and all the Mentor teachers that allow the students in their classrooms to learn about working with young children!
She is also employed at McDonald’s part time. She enjoys going on car rides and listening to music in her free time.
Thomas “Tom” Maxwell Spoon of Mission, Texas, formerly of Coudersport, Pa.
Thomas M. Spoon “former Coudersport, Pa. Resident”
COUDERSPORT, Pa.—Thomas “Tom” Maxwell Spoon of Mission, Texas, formerly of Coudersport, Pa., passed away peacefully on December 14, 2022, at the age of 79, in his home in Mission, Texas.
Tom was born and raised in Indiana and attended Carmel High School. After serving in the United Stated Air Force, he returned to Carmel to raise a family.
As a young man, he loved working on cars and being with his long time friends. He went to work as an electrical engineer for Bell Laboratories in the seventies and retired from there after many decades of service.
Tom, along with his wife Carole, resided in Coudersport for many years. While living there, Tom attended Hebron Union Church and was a member of the Coudersport Golf Club.
He retired to Mission to enjoy the sunny weather, play golf and be an active member of the community.
Tom is survived by Carole, his loving wife of many years, his son Robert (Rene’) and daughter Robin.
Friends are invited to attend graveside burial services at 12 noon on Monday, April 24, 2023, in the Sweden Hill Cemetery, Coudersport. Pastor Hank St. Amour of Hebron Union Church, will officiate.
Members of the Potter County Honor Guard will accord military honors on Monday, April 24, 2023.
In lieu of flowers, memorials in Tom’s name may be made to Teacher’s Pet Rescue, 19 Blackberry Lane, Coudersport, PA 16915.
Tom entrusted his care and cremation arrangements to Kevin J. Dusenbury, funeral director/owner of the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home, Shinglehouse.
To express condolences, light a candle, or share a fond memory of Tom, please visit or the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home Facebook page.
Northern PA Animal Care Workshop Scheduled for April 25 in Potter County
Dairy Producers and Their Employees Are Invited to Attend Free Workshop
Dairy producers from Northern Pennsylvania are invited to a free Animal Care Workshop on Tuesday, April 25 at Hoffman Farms in Potter County, Pa. Hosted by the Center for Dairy Excellence, PA Beef Council, the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania (PDMP) and Penn State Extension, this workshop is the final event in the series for dairy producers and their employees. (photo by Center for Dairy Excellence)
HARRISBURG, Pa. —Morning Ag Clips Dairy producers from Northern Pennsylvania are invited to a free Animal Care Workshop on Tuesday, April 25 at Hoffman Farms in Potter County, Pa. Hosted by the Center for Dairy Excellence, PA Beef Council, the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania (PDMP) and Penn State Extension, this workshop is the final event in the series for dairy producers and their employees.
More than 220 dairy producers have attended the workshops to date this spring. The April 25 workshop will focus on hands-on skill-building to help dairy producers meet National FARM compliance. A certificate will be provided at the conclusion of the workshop to show dairy producers’ commitment to National FARM and animal care. Attendees will also have the opportunity to become certified through the National Beef Council Calf Care & Quality Assurance (CCQA) program by the end of the workshop.
Visit or call 717-346-0849 to sign up. Registration will be closed if the capacity for the farm is reached.
Northwest Bank Donates to Dickinson Center’s St. Marys Construction Project
ST. MARYS, Pa (April 13, 2023)—Dickinson Center, Inc., an affiliate of Journey Health System, received a $100,000 commitment from Northwest Bank to support their new building project in St. Marys.
Elk County- Instructions, list of participating employers, and applications for the 2023 Dr. William C. Conrad / Stackpole-Hall Foundation Summer Jobs Program are now available at under the Summer Jobs section.
Students must be residents of Elk County and attending an approved higher education institution for the Fall Semester of 2023. The website contains complete eligibility information along with a list of employers and jobs available. All jobs are with Elk County non-profit organizations.
Students should download and complete the application forms and send them directly to the employers as soon as possible since employers may begin hiring at their discretion. Students may work from May 7 through August 12th, and will earn $12.00 per hour for up to 480 hours during the summer.
Over the past 38 years, the Foundation has provided more than 3,990 jobs and committed over $5.0 million to this program. When the Foundation’s support is added to the contribution by the Pennsylvania State Work Study Program and the employers’ share, millions of dollars have been earned by college students in Elk County.
Wildcat Weekly Highlights
35Weekly2022-23/April 10-16
Penn College softball, baseball teams post key wins
Pennsylvania College of Technology baseball and softball teams each handed rival Penn State Harrisburg its first United East losses of the season last week, while the Wildcats softball team extended its win streak to eight.
PennDOT Reminds Candidates that Campaign Signs Are Prohibited Within State Right-of-Way
Montoursville, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is reminding candidates for political office that no campaign signs can be placed within the PennDOT right-of-way along state road, interstate, expressway, and other limited access highways. Political signs cannot be attached on light or signal posts, guide rail or other PennDOT traffic control devices.
It is illegal to install, erect or place any sign of any nature, including a temporary sign, on PennDOT right-of-way. Illegal signs can be removed at any time by PennDOT.
When PennDOT workers must remove campaign signs, it takes them away from working on important highway maintenance and safety projects.
Campaign signs placed along roadways may pose the following risks:
- Reduced sight distance at intersections;
- Possible harm to animals (wire posts could cut animals, and the plastic signs could be mistakenly eaten by animals);
- Plastic signs that blow off their posts could clog drains; and
- Wire posts left behind may cause safety hazards to PennDOT employees when they mow roadside vegetation
Signs posted in the right-of-way will be removed and stored at the PennDOT county maintenance office for 30 days prior to disposal.
Basic Sign Language Course Available in Coudersport
How many times do we encounter hearing impaired people and wish that we could communicate with them? As we age, we gradually lose some of our hearing. Sign language can help. Also, mothers of pre-lingual children can use sign language as a tool with their little ones. Here is your opportunity to learn basic sign language that could help you or someone you care about.
This course will cover beginning sign language, the alphabet, conversational phrases and a variety of commonly used signs. In addition, basic facts essential to the correct use of the language will be addressed. A dedicated student could learn as many as 800 signs and understand signing and interpreting rules, basic deaf culture, and medical situations that cause deafness and loss of hearing. An intermediate course may be offered depending on interest.
This course will be taught by Sheri Greene and is scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 25 – June 8, 2023 (not meeting the week of May 15th) from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Education Council’s Coudersport office. The cost is $160/person. To register or for more information, visit or call (814) 274-4877.
PennDOT Asks Motorists to Watch for Slow-Moving Construction Vehicles
Montoursville, PA – During the warm months, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) crews and contractors are involved in many projects throughout District 3-0, which includes: Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties.
While many projects involve work being done on interstates and other high-volume roadways, motorists should be aware that they may encounter work on less traveled roads in rural areas. Depending on the work involved, motorists may encounter slow-moving PennDOT work vehicles as well as changes in traffic patterns.
Motorists should be aware that they may encounter mowing, herbicide spraying and line painting vehicles at any time. Please give them plenty of room to operate. Remain alert, slow down and drive with caution in work zones.
Reclamation Project to Begin Next Week on Phoenix Run Road in Gaines Township, Tioga County
Montoursville, PA – Motorists are advised a reclamation project is set to begin next week on Route 3003 (Phoenix Run Road) in Gaines Township, Tioga County.
On Monday, April 24, 2023, and Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Phoenix Run Road will be closed between Route 6 to the Potter County line, while a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) maintenance crew performs work on the roadway. Work will be performed between the hours of 6:30 AM and 5:00 PM.
A detour using Route 6 (in Potter County), Meeker Road and Phoenix Run Road will be in place while work is being performed.
Motorists should be alert, slow down, expect travel delays, and drive with caution.
Motorists can check conditions on major roadways by visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras.
Some go to the woods to wrap themselves in tranquility, surrounded by relative quiet if not outright silence. Spring turkey hunters aren’t necessarily among them.
Matching wits with a gobbler is often most exciting when things are downright rowdy.
That’s why there’s much excitement attached to this coming season, which begins on Saturday, April 22 with a half-day hunt for junior and youth mentored hunters, then runs from Saturday, April 29 to Tuesday, May 30 for everyone. It has the potential to be noisier than usual, given the abundance of 2-year-old birds – the most vocal and likely to engage in back-and-forth chatter with hunters.
USDA Offers New Funding to Promote the Expansion of High-Speed Internet in Rural Areas
$20 million in Technical Assistance Funding is Available to Plan High-Speed Internet Projects in Rural Communities
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2023 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the availability of $20 million to deliver broadband technical assistance resources for rural communities, and to support the development and expansion of broadband cooperatives.
USDA is offering the funding under the new Broadband Technical Assistance Program. The program supports technical assistance projects such as conducting feasibility studies, completing network designs and developing broadband financial assistance applications. Funding is also available to help organizations access federal resources, and to conduct data collection and reporting.
“USDA is committed to making sure that people, no matter where they live, have access to high-speed internet. That’s how you grow the economy – not just in rural communities, but across the nation,” said USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development Xochitl Torres Small. “USDA is partnering with small towns, local utilities and cooperatives, and private companies to increase access to this critical service which in turn boosts opportunity and helps build bright futures.”
To learn more, read the full news release.