Emma Ream holds Tamatoa, the crab character in Disney’s film “Moana.” Children can make Tamatoa to take home on Wednesday, Feb.12 during the “Moana” Sing-Along Event.
From 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. this coming Wednesday, Feb.12, youngsters ages 3 to 12 and their parents are invited to register for the “Moana” Sing-Along Event being held in the Coolidge Theatre at the Deane Center for the Performing Arts at 104 Main Street in Wellsboro. It’s free.
The first 50 youngsters to register at or by calling 570-724-6220 will be accepted for the program.
Children can make a craft to take home, sing and dance as they watch the film “Moana” and eat dinner with their parents. Pizza and beverages (soda and water) are on the menu.
UPMC Cardiologist: Early Signs of Heart Disease
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, yet many people miss its early warning signs. Some symptoms are subtle – recognizing them early can lead to earlier intervention, making treatment and management easier and more effective.
Common Early Symptoms
Heart disease doesn’t always begin with intense chest pain. Be aware of these signs:
REMINDER Boil Water Order for Village of Fredonia Water Customers
Reminder all Fredonia water customers, including those in the Town of Pomfret are still on a boil water order. You must boil all water used for cooking and drinking. There has been a disruption in the disinfection treatment, making the water not safe to drink. Bring all water used for drinking or cooking to a rolling boil, then cool before using. You will be notified when it is no longer necessary to boil water. For more information call the Village at 716-679-2307 or the County Health Department at 716-753-4481
During the Golden Afternoons program from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. next Tuesday, Feb. 11, Yolie Canales of Wellsboro will offer people attending the opportunity to do one of two different Valentine’s Day craft projects to take home.
This free program is open to anyone 55 years of age or older. It will be in the lobby at the Deane Center for the Performing Arts at 104 Main Street in Wellsboro. There will be free refreshments.
The fun and easy take-home projects are decorating a small jelly jar to hold Valentine’s Day candy or a four- by six-inch frame to hold a special photo or Valentine’s Day card. All materials will be provided free, including the jelly jar, frame, stickers and other decorations.
Attendees are asked to bring glue guns with them from home. “We will have some available but we may need more,” Canales said.
For more information about this Golden Afternoons program call the Deane Center at 570-724-6220.
Tickets are available for the last three concerts of the Wellsboro Community Concert Association’s 76th Season.
The concerts are: The House of Hamill performing “upcycled Celtic folk and vintage vibes with a modern message” next Saturday, Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m.; “the award-winning Gaelic supergroup” Dàimh on Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m.; and The EG Kight Trio singing a blend of “country flavored southern fried blues” on Saturday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m.
Winter Jam at PAES
Winter Jam, sponsored by the PAES Boosters was held Friday night at the school. Pictured at the photo booth are Ryder Trimm, Sadie Rounsville, Alyce Booth, Amelia Sanchez, Kiersten Freer, Carrie Lee, Lucille Andreano and Emma Smith. The event, sponsored by the Elementary Boosters, was a big hit with the 5th and 6th grade students.
PennDOT to Host ‘REAL ID Day’ February 10 at Clearfield Driver License Center
Getting Customer Service Done: PennDOT to Host ‘REAL ID Day’ on February 10 at Clearfield Driver License Center
Clearfield, PA – To help ensure Pennsylvanians are prepared for the upcoming federal REAL ID enforcement deadline of May 7, 2025, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that it will hold special REAL ID service hours at its Clearfield Driver License Center at 1800 Daisy Street Suite 380, Clearfield on February 10, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Souper Bowl of Caring
As they have for many years, the Port Allegany United Methodist Church is collecting cans of soup and boxes of crackers as well as monetary donations as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Stop by the Port Allegany Shop n Save Friday after school until 6 p.m. or Saturday morning from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. to make your donations. The food and cash donations will be given to PACS (Port Allegany Community Services).
The Souper Bowl of Caring collection at UMC is under the direction of Patty Fabish. The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement across the nation working together to fight hunger and poverty in their communities around the time of the Super Bowl football game.
The Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 with a simple prayer said by Reverend Brad Smith at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina: Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without even a bowl of soup to eat.
Don’t You Remember?
B.J. Knefley
When the women arrived at the tomb of Jesus, they found the stone rolled away, and his body wasn’t there. Confused and bewildered, they couldn’t imagine what had happened. Suddenly, two men appeared in dazzling robes. The men asked them, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you…?” (Luke 24:1-7)
Why do we so easily forget? When trouble comes, discouragement and fear often set in. Hope and faith that we once walked in suddenly escape our grasp, and we’re left trying to figure out for ourselves what our next move will be.
William M. Giltinan, 99, of Chambersburg, PA., formerly of Warren, PA.
William Giltinan
William M. Giltinan, 99, of Chambersburg, PA., formerly of Warren, PA., died peacefully Wednesday morning, February 5, 2025, at his residence.
Visitation will be held Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Holy Redeemer Church, 11 Russell St., Warren, PA., from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M.
A complete obituary will be announced when available through the Donald E. Lewis Funeral Home, inc., Warren, PA.
Smethport Area School District Will Have A 3 Hour Delay Tomorrow
Due to anticipated weather, Smethport Area School District will operate tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, on a special 3 Hour Delay Schedule. Please note this special 3 hour delay. The extra hour added to our usual delay schedule will provide time for temperatures to rise. If a child rides a bus, pick up time will be one hour later than the usual 2 hour delay schedule. Elementary students will report by 11:10 AM and high school students by 11:07 AM. Lunch tomorrow will be served to all students as normal.
Carolyn A. Mosgrove, 83, of Cuba, New York
Carolyn A. Mosgrove: Loving Mother and Grandmother
Carolyn A. Mosgrove, 83, of Cuba, New York passed away Friday, January 31, 2025 at Cuba Memorial Hospital’s Palliative Care Unit after a lengthy illness.
Born on August 7, 1941, in Somerset, Massachusetts, she was a daughter of Basil and Beryl Chace Brundage.
Carolyn was a graduate of Scio Central School and Alfred State College with a degree in Business Administration.
Prior to marriage she worked as a Flight Stewardess for United Airlines. While her children were young, she was a stay-at-home mother. After raising her children, she went to work as a medical receptionist for Dr. Taylor and Dr. Lawrence’s Medical practices. When she relocated to Florida, she continued in the medical field as a billing receptionist, prior to her retirement.
Causer Responds to Governor’s Budget Proposal
Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed $51.47 billion state budget proposal outlined Tuesday before a joint session of the General Assembly:
“To say I find the governor’s proposed spending amount alarming would be an understatement. If enacted, this plan would fully deplete the state’s surplus funds and would again dip into the Rainy Day Fund, as well as require revenue from new taxes on things like marijuana and skill games. The governor again wants to spend more than we bring in. It is simply not sustainable.
“There is a better way forward. First and foremost, we need to focus on funding the core functions of government. That would include investments in things like education, rural health care, and public safety and emergency services. We should not be growing the size and cost of government when our families and businesses are struggling to balance their own budgets.
“That said, there’s no question costs are on the rise. Rather than further burdening our taxpayers to meet those rising costs, we must be focused on growing our economy, and growing our energy industry would be a great place to start. While Pennsylvania is already an energy powerhouse, we have the potential to be so much more if we can get government out of the way.
“Ultimately, this is just the start of the state budget process, and we will assess the details of the governor’s plan in the weeks ahead. As is always the case, I will again advocate for a budget that addresses the needs of our rural communities and respects the taxpayers who foot the bill.”
Over the next few weeks, Appropriations committees in both the House and Senate will conduct a series of hearings with state agencies to dig into the details of his plan. Members will use that information to craft a final spending plan. A final budget is due by June 30.
Pictured is the Bubbly Luge. Drinks will be poured into the top of the Bubbly Luge at the ice bar in the Penn Wells Hotel Courtyard
Beginning at 11 a.m. this Saturday, Feb. 8, in the Penn Wells Hotel at 62 Main Street in Wellsboro, the full bar in the lounge will be open and a food menu will be available. Burning, crackling logs in the fireplace will spread warmth throughout the room, which is filled with tables and chairs
From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. this Saturday, the Courtyard, outdoors behind the Hotel, will also be open to the public. It is near the door to the lounge. There will be seating, heaters and a table with a propane fire pit in the Courtyard where people can enjoy a cocktail and dinner.
Joseph “Joe” Duell, 67, of Knotts Island, NC
Joseph “Joe” Duell, 67, of Knotts Island, NC, left us peacefully on January 27, 2025. He was a cherished son, brother, father, uncle, grandfather, and friend, whose loyalty and thoughtful nature left an impact on all who knew him.
Born on March 21, 1957, in Giessen, Germany, Joe was the son of Helga (Pitz) Duell and Judson R. Duell II, formerly of Coudersport, PA. Joe’s journey brought him from his early beginnings overseas to Coudersport, PA when he was 10 years old. Being part of a military family, he eventually relocated to Dunn, NC and graduated from Dunn High School. Joe then went on to join the Army at the age of 18, where he proudly dedicated his time and energy to serving his country. Following his military career, Joe lived in Williamsport, PA where his strong work ethic was displayed through his commitment to his career and to his family. He was also a member of the Eulalia Masonic Lodge #342.
He found joy in the simple pleasures of life— sitting on the porch listening to the birds chirping in the morning, spending time with his beloved cat, Squirrelly, and relaxing with a cold Miller Lite. He also loved watching a good football game and held Penn State football and the Pittsburgh Steelers close to his heart.
For the past two years most of Allegewi Chapter’s meetings have focused on viable plans for helping to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of America.
The Chapter has begun by putting displays in the Potter County Historical Society and the Eliot Ness Museum. Future doable plans have now been agreed upon by the small membership.
In May of 2025 wreaths will be placed at the sites of the eleven Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Potter County. These wreaths will remain up until July of 2026. On July 3, 2025 the Chapter will be holding a Memorial Service in honor of these Patriots which will be held at Ladona. Plans will culminate with an official rededication of the David Zeisberger monument on the Court House Square in Coudersport to be held July 3, 2026.
Further information on these activities will be published closer to the time of the actual events!
Allegewi Chapter DAR is calling on all citizens to get ready to Celebrate this momentous occasion! Remember and show your pride in the founding of this great nation on July 4, 1776. 250 Years Ago.
Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club / Stanley Grove Jr. Memorial Scholarship
The Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club / Stanley Grove Jr. Memorial Scholarship is offering $1,000 to a 2025 graduating senior in McKean County who demonstrates a passion for outdoors and related sportsman’s activities. This scholarship is made possible by the partnership of the Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club and Stephen Grove to honor his late father, Stanley Grove Jr.
Stanley Grove Jr. was an avid outdoorsman and also a devoted enthusiast who shared a profound passion and respect for nature and the creatures that inhabit both the woods and waters. His love and respect for the outdoors was instilled in him at a young age by his father, Stanley Grove, who passed his passion down to his three sons and five grandchildren. His legacy and appreciation for nature continues to resonate within the outdoors community, ensuring that future generations will also cherish the outdoors.
The award will be granted based on the scoring of three questions and four short essays. The questions reflect the students’ community involvement, school activities, and their future goals. The essay topics include conservation, sportsmanship, the impact of a mentor, and personal challenges overcome during outdoor activities.
The deadline for submitting the scholarship application is Monday, March 31, 2025. All submitted applications will be reviewed by the scholarship committee, and the award recipient will be announced by April 30, 2025.
The eligibility to apply for this application is for 2025 graduating high school seniors in the McKean County area with an interest in sportsman’s activities, the natural environment, and/or conservation efforts. Previous participation in volunteer or community activities is preferred. An academic GPA of a 3.0 or higher is required for this application.
To apply for this scholarship or for more information on the eligibility criteria, you can visit their website at or visit their Facebook page at
Sylvia J. Wurst, 76, of Russell, PA
Sylvia J. Wurst
Sylvia J. Wurst, 76, of Russell, PA, left this world unexpectedly on Saturday, February 1, 2025, to move to her heavenly home.
She was born in Warren, PA, on August 1, 1948, the daughter of the late John and Kathryn Niedzialek. Sylvia was a graduate of Warren Area High School and received her Bachelor’s degree from Mansfield University. She taught 3rd Grade at both North Warren Elementary and Russell Elementary Schools. After years of teaching, Sylvia retired and worked a few years with Beacon Light, working one on one with challenged youth.
James W. SATTAZAHN, 76, of Roulette, PA, formerly of Mechanicsburg, PA
James W. SATTAZAHN, 76, of Roulette, PA, formerly of Mechanicsburg, died Thursday, January 30, 2025 in Sweden Valley Manor, Coudersport.
Born February 15,1948, in Philadelphia, he was the son of William W. and Florence Kerr Sattazahn. A 1965 graduate of Olney High School in Philadelphia, he served honorably with the US Army. He served as a PA State Trooper from July 1972 – August 2007, retiring as Corporal. Jim was a member of the HASH 5 Running Club in Harrisburg, a life member of the National Fraternal Order of Police, and a life member of the Harley Owners Group. He enjoyed riding his Harley with his motorcycle club, Road Dawgs. Jim also enjoyed playing ice hockey with his PSP team and playing rugby all over the world, then refereeing for years after he couldn’t play. He loved his Philadelphia sports teams, the Eagles and the Phillies. Jim will be remembered for his love of American History.
A Thank You From The Clark Family
The Clark Family would like to send our gratitude and love to each and every person, firefighters, the Red Cross, our family, our Zippo/Case family, our friends, and the community, who helped our family through this dark moment in our lives.
There are too many names to name individually, so we hope we can let everyone know that even the smallest gestures have been greatly appreciated, and not gone unnoticed.
We also want to let everyone know that we realize we would not have been able to start rebuilding our lives so soon if it weren’t for each and every one of you.
We still have a long way to go, but you all have been the light in our darkness.
From the bottom of our hearts we send our love, and pray for gods blessings on you all.
The Clark Family
Dale, Ruby, Jerry, Vonnie & Ryan
Ivan A. Wehler, 98, a resident of Pinecrest Manor and formerly of S. Michael Road, St. Marys, PA
Ivan A. Wehler, 98, a resident of Pinecrest Manor and formerly of S. Michael Road, St. Marys, passed away peacefully on Monday, February 3, 2025, at Pinecrest Manor with his family by his side.
He was born on January 3, 1927 in St. Marys, PA, a son of the late Jost and Anna Caskey Wehler.
On June 16, 1945, he married the late Dorothy McAllister, who preceded him in death on August 3, 2024. Together they walked hand in hand into Heaven and were blessed to share more than 79 years of love, laughter and marriage.
Ivan was a lifelong member of Queen of the World Church and retired from Keystone Carbon Company after more than 46 years of service. He was a veteran of WWII, proudly serving in the United States Navy and was a member of the American Legion. A hard-working, dedicated and caring husband, father, and grandfather, Ivan often worked three jobs to care for his family. Ivan greatly enjoyed sharing his musical talents around town and with the residents of the local nursing homes, always enjoyed bringing a smile to people’s faces.