Oswayo Valley Memorial Library News March 2025
Gertrude Hawk Candy Bar Sale: The library is selling Gertrude Hawk candy bars in various flavors. Stop at the library or Sprout’s Drug Store and get some today!
Gertrude Hawk Easter Candy Sale: It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again! We want to invite you to be a part of a delicious fundraiser for our organization. Please click the link below to shop our Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Fundraising online store and our organization will get credit for your purchases! The deadline to place orders is Tuesday, March 11th. https://fundraising.gertrudehawkchocolates.com/fundraisingproducts/index/index/organization_id/715229/seller_id/6
Quart Soup Sale: It’s also the time of year for our Quart Soup Sale! Four delicious homemade soups are available for pre-order until Saturday, March 15th. The price is $7.00 per quart. Orders can then be picked up at the library on Saturday, March 22nd from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. There will also be a bake sale on the day of pick-up! Call or stop in at the library to place your orders! 814-697-6691 Soups: Bean, Broccoli & Cheese, Veggie Minestrone, and Potato & Bacon.
Teens’ Night: Please join us on Tuesday, March 18th at 5:30 pm to socialize and play games! Bring your favorite board games, card games, and your friends. This program is for ages 12-18.
Diamond Art Class: Join us at the library on Saturday, March 15th at 12:00 pm for a Diamond Art Class! You will decorate and take home a fridge magnet in this class. All supplies are provided, and limited seating is available! Please call or stop by the library to sign up! 814-697-6691.
Homeschool Hangout: On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we will have a Homeschool Hangout starting at 1:00 pm. Our goal for this program is to give homeschool families in the area a chance to get together to see what other families are learning, incorporate the library into some of those lessons, and have fun. The dates for this month are March 5th & 19th.
Daycare Story Hour: The library will have a story hour on Friday mornings starting at 10:00 am for any children aged 3-5. Please call or stop in at the library with any questions! 814-697-6691
The Book Discussion Group meets at the library on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:30 am. The date for this month is March 13th. All are invited to participate. Books are provided by the Potter-Tioga Library System.
Stitch Together: Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, needlework, and chatting while you work? (Or chatting and not getting much of your project done?) Join us at the library on Thursdays and Saturdays starting at 1:30 pm. The dates for this month are Thursday the 6th & 20th and Saturday the 29th.
Monthly Newsletter: You can now subscribe through our website to receive our monthly newsletter! Simply visit our website at ovmlibrary.org, scroll to the bottom of the home page, and fill out the form!
Website: You can search the card catalog by visiting our website at ovmlibrary.org. You can also log into your account and renew the books you have out or put a book on reserve.
Board of Directors Meeting: The monthly board meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm. The date for this month is Wednesday, March 26th at 1:00 pm. The public is encouraged to attend.
Memorials & Donations:
- Donations:
- Delores Walters
- Memorials:
- Michael “Mike” Knapp by Steve & Cynthia Bell
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Diane Gilroy
- Michael “Mike” Knapp by Brenda Michielson
- Michael “Mike” Knapp by Pat & BJ Howard & Boys
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Pat & BJ Howard & Boys
- Roy Amidon by Linda Pease
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Holly Nodler
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Roxanna Miller
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Lisa Howard
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Brenda Heath
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Cindy Zembryki
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Helen Heath
- Terry Maxson by Bill & Nicola Barnes
- Penelope “Pen” Yunghans by Shirley Scott