District Attorney Stephanie Vettenburg-Shaffer announces that the McKean County Drug Task Force concluded a several weeks’ long investigation into cocaine delivery in the county with a recent arrest. Clarence BARKER, also known as “Prince,” formerly of Buffalo, NY, and most recently of the Oyo Hotel, in Bradford, was charged with delivering cocaine on two occasions. BARKER was charged by McKean County Drug Task Force Detective Michael Ward with two counts of Delivery of Cocaine (both felonies), two counts of Possession (misdemeanors), and two counts of Criminal Use of a Communication Facility (felonies).
The complaint alleges that, on March 6 and March 19, 2025 BARKER arranged for the sale of cocaine using a cell phone and then delivered cocaine while under surveillance of the Detectives. The Detective noted in the complaint that Task Force Detectives dedicated a significant amount of resources and hours to this investigation in order to halt and deter illegal drug trafficking activities in support of the criminal complaint filed. Additional charges are pending related to charges of attempting to take contraband into the jail and possession of a controlled substance by a prisoner or inmate. BARKER was arraigned by Magisterial District Judge David Engman who set bail at $25,000. BARKER was remanded to the McKean County Jail. He is scheduled for Central Court next Thursday.
If you suspect illegal drug activity please contact Chief County Detective Ryan Yingling for the McKean County Drug Task Force at the District Attorney’s Office (814) 887-3312 or leave a tip at
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