!! LIFE is actually a SPIRITUAL battle of WILLS !! By Roland Maxwell
!! LIFE is actually a SPIRITUAL battle of WILLS !!
By Roland Maxwell, humble and thankful servant of our Lord and Saviour.
Our HEART is where our power is. We control that power with our MINDS, though our (lost)WILL. Among the things that control our (lost)WILL are our morals, ethics, ideologies and fears that we have been indoctrinated with, peer influence, and our dreams. These are among the very CORE PRINCIPLES that make a human, a human, and they represent our character, or souls. So, our (lost)WILL is really who we are, if you have ever wondered “WHO AM I”, well, our (lost)WILL is the basic answer, but there are also two other SPIRITUAL influences, from outside us, that also effect “WHO WE ARE”, and they are the Devil’s (evil)WILL and God’s (perfect)WILL.
That means that “WHO WE ARE” without God’s (perfect)WILL in the picture, is a struggle between our (lost)WILL and the Devil’s (evil)WILL. But through God’s grace (God’s supernatural help), we can have access to God’s (perfect)WILL, and then we can have opportunity to have God’s (perfect)WILL start becoming a DOMINATING force over the other WILLS, which are our (lost)WILL and the Devil’s (evil)WILL. We live without access to God’s (perfect)WILL by default though. To get access to God’s grace (supernatural help) and his (perfect)WILL, in order to get it to become the DOMINATING force in our lives, (if we truly want it to), is through realizing that our (lost)WILL doesn’t lead us in our best interests, or to eternal life, or free us from our bondage to sin.
When we realize that, and confess to our own hopelessness, repent of our ways to where our (lost)WILL has led us, accept God’s atonement for sin, which is Christ Crucified, and Make the Lord Christ Jesus our master. Then we can have access to God’s grace (supernatural help) and can become a servant of God’s (perfect)WILL. Amen