Kardinal Estate & Tag-Sale Company Two Day Estate Sale In Smethport March 14 & 15
2 Day Estate Sale!
March 14 & 15 2025, Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm
808 W. Water St. Smethport, PA 16749
Refrigerator, gas oven, gas dryer, washer, freezer, dressers, pictures, hand tools, power tools, golf balls, clays, piano, dining tables, glassware, vintage gun case, electric recliner, large recliner, love seat, books, stands, lamps, shelves, collector plates, hutches, cookware, kitchenware, copper bucket, and more.
808 W. Water St. Smethport (some GPS units mess up, West end of town). Do not block driveways or park in lawns.