Kardinal Estate & Tag-Sale Company Three Day Sale In Bradford March 28, 29, and 30th
3 Day Estate Sale! March 28, 29, 30 Friday and Saturday 9am to 5, Sunday 9am to 2pm
68 Walker Ave. Bradford, PA (1 way street, do not block the road or driveways).
Refrigerator, Freezer, Washer, Dryer, dining furniture, books, Zippos, living-room furniture, electric recliner,
Loom, CDs, records, movies, full bed, dressers, humidor, vintage glass, European items, yarn, hutches, Kitchen-aid, exercise equipment, shelves, trunks, carvings, hand tools, power tools, antique burners, TVs, VCR, clocks, radios, cameras, stands, fine china, sterling plate items, paintings, collector items, lamps, towels, bedding, kitchen items, and so much more.