It’s Snowing, Pastor B.J. Knefley
It’s snowing! Okay, perhaps it isn’t where you are, but it is where I am and on the day that I’m writing this. Isn’t it interesting how at the hint of snow some people go into survival mode. It’s as if Armageddon were about to fall upon us all. Really?
Okay, if you must know, I love the weather. All weather, not just the snow, but the heat, the cold. and rain also. I love walking in both the snow and the rain. It gives me a fresh and adventurous spirit. The snow reminds me of building forts in the drifts and having snowball fights. Of course, we didn’t have all the electronic things that we have today. I don’t think our parents worried about us. They knew that we were down by the creek playing where the snow drifted over the banks. In the summer those same banks we part of our forts. Made from tree branches and logs, we could hide away for hours on end without getting into serious trouble.
I recently heard of an interesting study. People were asked to spend 20 minutes alone with their thoughts. No electronics or other such distractions, only themselves in a room with just a chair. There was an out, if they chose. They could shorten their time if they were willing to give themselves an electric shock. Surprisingly, many did give themselves the shock, 70% of the men and 20% of the women in fact. I guess they never had the experience of sitting in a tree stand during deer season.
Really though, what has happened to us that we can’t sit for 20 minutes with just our thoughts. Have we grown so accustomed to needing outside stimulus that we can’t be quiet and alone with ourselves? Recently I found myself in the waiting room of a doctor’s office with ten other people. No one talked. Each was engrossed with their own electronic distraction. Even the children had their own electronic entertainment. If someone new walked into the room, there might be a look to see who arrived, but then as quickly as they looked up went back to whatever they were doing. Have we somehow lost our ability to communicate with others. Are we falling into a life where artificial intelligence becomes our most cherished companion? Have we somehow lost our ability to enjoy the simple things like the snow and given away the joy of using our imagination to explore new things and new adventures? Maybe it’s time to make a snowman. Think about it.