In Recognition of National First Responders’ Day

October 28, 2023 is National First Responders’ Day – a day set aside to recognize those on the front line.
Without hesitation they respond – while the rest of us run from danger, they run toward it.
With each call, they are confronted by the tragedy and devastation facing the people they serve. Because rarely are they called during peaceful times.
Their heroic and collective efforts keep the citizens of McKean County protected and provided for – in emergency response, in emergency medical aid, in emergency fire aid, and in emergency police aid.
Our “small-town” community benefits from the close-knit group of first responders – where everyone knows everybody and they work cohesively. And because of that, their actions are not frequently known except to the immediate recipient of their care. There is little fanfare for a job well done as their heroic work takes place behind the scene and away from the public eye.
No two calls are the same and the ease in which they determine the need and provide the resource immediately is just one example of their expertise.
And their families share them with the rest of us and we recognize them as well.
Our first responders face an unknown danger without regard to their own safety.
On behalf of the McKean County District Attorney’s Office, I am honored to recognize our First Responders. I thank you Ladies and Gentlemen. We are honored to work with you.
– Stephanie L Vettenburg Shaffer
District Attorney