Holiday Fun at BAPL

Do not allow holiday preparations to steal the joy of the season! Take a break from the pressure and stress and join the holiday fun at the Bradford Area Public Library (BAPL). The library is offering a host of holiday programs that are pocket-book friendly (free) and appeal to a variety of age groups. Recapture the spirit of the holidays during one of these great events.
Adults are invited to attend a resist-felting demonstration on Saturday, December 7 at 11:30 AM. Using an assortment of alpaca, wool, and silk fibers, April Cox of Tupelo Acres, LLC, will demonstrate the art of wet felting over a resist to create a 3D shape of a small Christmas stocking. April Cox is a Farmer/Fiber Artist residing on her farm in Spartansburg, PA where she raises alpacas for fiber. Since 2011 she has been creating and teaching the fiber arts of spinning, crochet, needle and wet felting. This is a demonstration only program. BAPL is planning a hands-on program with April Cox in 2025 where participants will make their own project. This program would be a great primer for all interested individuals.
Next on the docket, BAPL is happy to offer Christmas Movie Bingo for adults to relax and enjoy a great movie together, before the holiday season gets crazy! Join the library for a Christmas movie, complete with popcorn! While viewing the show, attendees will also play ‘movie bingo’ where every snowball fight and kiss under the mistletoe could get you closer to winning! This free program will be held on Monday December 9 at 6PM. Registration is not necessary.
Rounding out the holiday-themed programming for adults is the Copy Cat event on Wednesday, December 11 at 6PM. Each month, registered participants explore a new craft. In December, individuals will learn how to create 3D cardboard snowflakes and will be able to make two different designs.
Local tweens and teens (grades 7 – 12) can attend a Book Swap Party on Tuesday, December 10 at 5PM. Attendees do not need to bring a physical book to the event. All will share book recommendations and enjoy snacks as well as great conversations. Reading and writing can be lonely endeavors, but not anymore! Teens and young adults are invited to a Reading & Writing Lounge on Saturday, December 14, from 1PM – 3PM. Youth will be inspired by planned writing prompts; receive and share book recommendations; and of course, have time to read/write! Snacks will be provided. No registration necessary.
On Thursday, December 19, teens can return to BAPL at 3PM and create ugly sweater ornaments! Youth can also watch a winter, holiday-themed movie and enjoy snacks. It’s optional, but attendees are free to wear a comfy, cozy ugly holiday sweater too!
BAPL’s youngest patrons have great holiday programs too beginning this Saturday, November 30 with a Countdown to Christmas event at 11AM. The Children’s Department invites all children in kindergarten (with an adult who can assist them) – 5th grade to enjoy a great Christmas book and create a Christmas countdown chain to take home! BAPL will have a cocoa bar, hot chocolate, and Christmas songs to complete this fun event. Registration is necessary.
On Saturday, December 21, from 1PM – 3PM Santa is visiting the library! Bring the kiddos and snap a picture with the Big Guy. Crafts will be available while everyone waits for their turn to visit Santa and there will be a cookie decorating station too! This is a free event, but pre-registration is appreciated so that we have enough cookies on hand (first come, first serve).
Rounding out 2024, local families are invited to “ring” in the new year with BAPL during a special New Year’s Eve Day Cowboy Round Up event on December 31 at 11 AM. Children can enjoy games and snacks. At 12 PM there will be an awesome balloon drop too with New Year hats and horns. This is a free event.
For any program requiring registration, individuals can easily self-register when visiting the library’s online events calendar at