God’s Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited will host Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Event
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, initiated and conducted by members of the Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited, serves military personnel who have been wounded, injured, or disabled to aid their physical and emotional recovery by introducing or rebuilding the skills of fly fishing and fly tying and by using and enjoying these skills on fishing outings and as lifelong recreation. While initially focusing on the military personnel in the Washington, DC area, the Project has expanded nationwide and is offering its services and program to active military personnel and veterans in the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals throughout the country. The Project’s program provides basic fly fishing, fly casting and fly tying classes and clinics for the wounded and injured personnel ranging from beginners to those with prior fly fishing and tying experience who are adapting their skills to their new abilities. All activities and services are provided to the participants at no cost. Fly fishing and tying equipment and materials are provided to the participants, including equipment that accommodates their special needs.
The God’s Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited will host its fifteenth nationally recognized Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing event, in cooperation with the Moore’s Run Fish and Game Preserve, Tuesday, May 21 through Friday, May 24. We are proud to dedicate our 2024 event to honor all our Donors, Volunteers and Caregivers. We are working with the local American Legions and VFWs to invite all local veterans to participate in our disabled veteran guests’ 40 mile motorcycle escort/parade through Potter County. All of our guests receive treatment at New York and PA. VA Hospitals and sign up for our event through their respective PHWFF programs. While our chapter has enough volunteer members to provide the instruction, equipment and guide services for our 12 disabled veteran guests, we are soliciting donations to offset the cost of food, lodging, fly tying tools and materials. A quote from a previous guest best explains what his visit meant:
“The trip was overwhelming!! I couldn’t believe all the people out there with signs and flags. It was really, really emotional, and they don’t know how much we appreciated that. When I returned from Vietnam 45 years ago, they didn’t do anything for us, not even in my hometown.”
Please join in the enthusiasm we feel and help provide a unique outdoor and healing experience for our wounded war veterans in the peaceful setting of God’s Country. If you consider this event worthy of your support, please forward your tax deductible contribution to the God’s Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Box 702, Coudersport, Pa. 16915. Thank you in advance for your consideration and continued support.
Dr. Pete Ryan & David Saulter
PHWFF Event Co-ordinators