Galeton Pa. October 2023 weather report
You name the kind of weather you like and you may be able to find it in October 2023. We had nearly a week of Indian Summer with near 80 afternoon temperatures, three frosty mornings with most mornings in the 40s and 50s . We experienced 15 foggy mornings. No thunderstorms for the month. It was again a very nice weather month.
The average high temperature is 57 degrees with the average low listed at 37 degrees.
The average rainfall for October is 3.78″. We received 2.05″ and last year the reading was 1.04″. Pine Creek is down somewhat from September, but quite steady thanks to a wet summer. I have been told many times from many “old timers”, especially my weather expert grandfather, “we will not have winter weather until Pine Creek is bank full”. I agree with that saying. The lawns are still being mowed aggressively. The mowers should have been put away weeks ago. I guess we all appreciate having our lawns look like a golf course. It looks like all of Potter Co. is now being kept mowed.
Be advised that the forecast is for some snow on Wednesday. Keep your snow shovels at the ready. The grass will soon turn white.
Henry W. Lush, National Weather Service Observer