The regular meeting of the Galeton Borough Authority was held on this date in the Municipal Building with the following members present: Tony Adami, Joe Cimino, George Bowen and Mike Brown. Not present was Tom Smith.
Others present were Solicitor-Mike Plummer; Engineer-Tim Tritch on phone; and Auth Secy.-Andrea Caracciolo.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Adami followed by the Pledge to the Flag.
A motion was made by Mike Brown, seconded by Joe Cimino to approve the 8/1/23 minutes as presented. All were in favor, motion carried.
Engineer’s Report
Tony asked Tim Tritch if he could review our Drought Contingency Plan/Ordinance to see if he could revise it to include the new intake structures for measuring for drought conditions rather than the old way of measuring the reservoirs, which no longer exist. Tim will look into it.
It was noted that it will now be November before we find out if we are awarded the H2O grant for the WWTP Phase 3 project, and the Small Facilities Grant for the transmission line and whether we receive grant and/or loan from PennVest for the WWTP Phase 3 project. They keep getting pushed back.
The WWTP Phase 3 project will be put out for bid once we know about the PennVest funding.
A motion was made by Joe Cimino, seconded by Mike Brown to move the Mitchell property on Prospect Ave. to the bad debt list. The property has been vacant for over a year due to a water leak in owner’s line that isn’t repaired so water was shut off. All were in favor, motion carried. The lien for water and sewer will remain on the property.
A motion was made by Mike Brown, seconded by George Bowen to adjourn. All were in favor, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:44 PM until the next regular meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2023.