The Galeton Borough Authority held its regular meeting this date in the Municipal building with the following members present: Tony Adami, George Bowen and Tom Smith. Not present were Joe Cimino and Mike Brown.
Others present were Engineer Tim Tritch on Phone and the Authority Secretary-Andrea Caracciolo
A motion was made by George, Bowen, Seconded by Tom Smith approving the 6/6/23 minutes as presented. All were in favor, motion carried.
Tim Tritch reported that the PennVest Application for the WWTP Phase III technical grant will be submitted the following day.
The Mill St. bridge project water and sewer final designs are completed and all permits are filed. Just waiting on the project to be put out for bid. The project won’t be done until next year.
A motion was made by George Bowen, seconded by Tom Smith adopting Resolution 3-2023 the filing of the PennVest Application. All were in favor, motion carried.
The secretary also presented the Letter of Responsibility to be signed and approved to be filed with the PennVest application. The Authority approved and Tony signed the letter.
A motion was made by George Bowen, seconded by Tom Smith approving Pay Request #3 for the Watrous Interconnection Grant. Eichelberger’s – $36,645.00 and John Yilek – $7,750.00. All were in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Tom Smith, seconded by George Bowen to adjourn. All were in favor, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM. The next meeting will be October 3, 2023 at 5:00 PM.