Radio Thieves (shown) will be performing in the Charlie Fox pavilion from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, April 22 and Chasing Rabbits from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy this free entertainment.
This Saturday, April 22 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Earth Day at Mill Cove will have two bands performing live, fishing and kayaking, fun learning about birds, beekeeping, growing vegetables, flowers and trees, bald eagles, etc., children’s story hour, games to play and many other things to do for toddlers to adults, all for free. Equipment to use and parking are free, too.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
Earth Day is held rain or shine so it is recommended that everyone bring hiking shoes and rain gear just in case.
The purpose of Earth Day at the Mill Cove Environmental Area, located north of Mansfield, is to showcase Tioga County’s natural resources and the importance of conservation.
The first 1,500 people who arrive at Earth Day at Mill Cove will receive a ready-to-plant tree seedling for free.
The Pennsylvania Wilds Astronomy Club is hosting solar viewing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Two special telescopes will be set-up to allow safe viewing of the surface of the sun, which is ramping up its activity as it nears the peak of its 11-year solar cycle. In the event of cloudy conditions, the club will demonstrate the use of one or more of their telescopes to look at distant land objects.
Smokey Bear and Bobber the Water Safety Dog will be making appearances throughout the day.
The Mansfield Kiwanis Club is hosting versions of cornhole and ladder ball for youngsters to play along with the Tiffany Cummings’ Famous Nature Scavenger Hunt. The Mansfield Lions Club will have yard games to play from bocce ball and croquet to weighted lawn darts and plastic horseshoes.
The Tiadaghton Audubon Society is hosting two talks by Rob Fergus of Wallingford, Pa. and a bird walk. At 11 a.m. will be “EZ Bird ID” for non-birders or beginning birders to learn how to quickly identify any bird they see and at 1 p.m. will be “How Birds See The World.” At noon, the Tiadaghton birders will host a bird walk. A limited number of binoculars will be available.
The Children’s Story Hour will be at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The book “A Backyard Birding Adventure: What’s in Your Yard” will be read followed by youngsters creating a birding journal to take with them on a short bird watch hike and nature scavenger hunt.
Youngsters who want to learn how to fish can use rods provided at the Cove’s pond with members of Trout Unlimited Chapter #688 assisting them.
Greg Moyer of theMansfield University Fisheries Program will demonstrate how to do backpack shocking and electro-shocking of fish in Mill Creek.
Kayaks, paddles and safety equipment will be provided free so children and adults can learn how to kayak with the help of the Mansfield Canoe and Kayak Club.
On-site parking is available, but limited. Free rides will be provided to take those who park in the Mill Cove public parking area to the Earth Day registration area at the Mill Cove entrance. Individuals with mobility issues can be dropped off in the registration area at Mill Cove before parking.
Provided is a free shuttle bus to Mill Cove for those who park at the Mansfield University campus and the North Main Street Plaza in Mansfield.
Sponsoring Earth Day is Mill Cove, Inc., a 501c(3) nonprofit organization formed to enhance the area for recreational and environmental education purposes.
For more information about Earth Day at Mill Cove and directions, visit the Mill Cove Environmental Area website at