DEP Invites Comments On Proposed Cryptocurrency Data Mining Operation On Shale Gas Well Pad In Elk County
The Department of Environmental Protection invites comments on an Air Quality permit for a proposed cryptocurrency data mining operation on the Diversified Production LLC Longhorn Shale Gas Well Pad C in Jay Township, Elk County. (PA Bulletin, page 7164) Read more here. Operation of the proposed equipment would focus on electrical generation and cryptocurrency data mining operations and not unconventional natural gas well site operations or remote pigging. The proposed sources would be in addition to Diversified’s existing equipment. This project would install four Waukesha engines (each rated at 1,900 bhp), one Waukesha engine (rated at 1,680 bhp), and one small generator set rated 1.8 kw. Potential emissions from all proposed sources are esti- mated to be (tpy): 8.87 VOC, 13.44 NOx, 26.88 CO PM10 5.92, and 8.47 HAPs. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Eric A. Gustafson, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335, phone number (814) 332-6819. Read the entire PA Bulletin notice for more information. (PA Bulletin, page 7164) For more information on environmental programs in Pennsylvania, visit DEP’s website, Click Here to sign up for DEP’s newsletter, sign up for DEP Connects events, sign up for DEP’s eNotice, visit DEP’s Blog, Like DEP on Facebook, Follow DEP on Twitter and visit DEP’s YouTube Channel.