Coudersport Rotary Club’s Annual Dictionary Distributions
January, 14, 2025, was a big day at Coudersport Elementary. This is the day Coudersport Rotary Club’s Annual Dictionary Distributions to the 3rd graders happened! This has been one of our Community Service Projects since the 2015-2016 school year.
Rotarians Ruth Sallade, Dr. Ronnie Schenkein, Pat Northeimer, Deb Rinehart and granddaughter of Ruth Sallade, Mikayla Sallade, presented the dictionaries to the students. The enthusiasm in the room was off the charts.
Ruth took the students through the process of locating countries on the maps and words in the dictionary, their definition, parts of speech, and the origin of the word. Judging by the reactions of the students and facility, Coudersport Rotary Club will continue this project for years to come.