Commissioner Carol Duffy swore-in McKean County Conservation Directors on January 10th. Commissioner Tom Kreiner will serve a one-year term as a Commissioner Director. This will be his second term as a Conservation District Director
Kerry Fetter from Smethport was re-appointed to serve a four-year term as a Farmer Director. Kerry will be starting his 26th year as a director. Jeff Holcomb from Bradford was appointed to serve a four-year term as a Public Director. This will be his first term as a director, Jeff previously served on the board as a non-voting associate director for the past two years.
A member of the Board of Directors of the Conservation District has the responsibility for assuring that conservation district policies and practices enhance the natural resources in his/her county. This requires the identification of local natural resource needs and issues, development of management strategies, development and setting of local policy, and coordination of local, state and federal resources.