The February 4, 2025 meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Anthony Plants with three Supervisors, three residents, and secretary present. The minutes of the January 6, 2025 meeting were read and approved by Greg Maxson and seconded by Jeff Moyer.
Old business was discussed starting with the Solar panels being brought in on property located on Slippery Elm. No one from the Township will be attending the PSATS Conference this year. Overtime for Jeff Moyer will be paid for any hours over forty-eight worked in one week. The bank signature card was signed and treasurer able to sign for financial items. There will be no road closures for haulers on all township roads this year. There will be no hauling on roads if temperature above 28 degrees. The bond amount per road will be per Penn Dot set fee.
There were a few items of New business. A resolution for Tax collector to be able to collect a fee for duplicate tax bills and returned checks was adopted. It was agreed to order 25 Ton of salt from Co Stars. Motion and agreed to get information for solar panel ordinance to solicitor. David Nease sewage contract for yearly inspection was presented for Supervisor’s signatures. Fifty dollar yearly Township inspection fee of his small flow system approved. Resolution was passed that the Assessment office is able to act on behalf or the township to the local Tax collector for address and ownership changes. Auditor’s report was received and read by AJ Plants. Bids for Daylighting of Powerhouse Road were presented. Bid was awarded to Cory Tree Service lowest bid at $4,000.00 pending signature of contract. Outsourcing the audit of the Township was discussed. Current auditing firm was doing Audit every other year. They state it is too difficult to do audit every other year and must be done yearly or they will not do. Cost for audit is $5,000.00. It was agreed to table decision. New building permit fee of $25.00 per permit was adopted. Loan for mowing tractor was discussed as the Township does not have an operational tractor for mowing this summer. Approval to apply for Forestry Grant for the mowing tractor that is needed. Sluice permit for Alexsandr Zakharchenko approved. Brian Leffet contacted Twp regarding road maintenance of access road to his property on Church Hollow. It was determined this is not part of Township’s road maintenance responsibility due to being out side of maintenance mileage of 0.94 miles of Church Hollow to be maintained. Road Masters report given by Jeff Moyer. Roads have been maintained daily with plowing, sanding, and stoning dirt roads. New cutting edge for plow was done. Hose was changed on Freightliner. Met to get quotes for daylighting Powerhouse Road. Jim Minderler was contacted regarding the Fire trucks crossing Slippery Elm bridge in case of fire and was determined that trucks will cross bridge if there is a fire. There were no Supervisors comments. No Public comment. Roads currently bonded are: Chapman Brook & Austin Road – Potter Lumber,
Coon Hollow – RAM, Power House Road – Baldwin Lumber, Newell Creek – Northwest, Lynch Hollow to Kings Run & Kings Run to Route 44 – RAM, Annin Creek – Potter Lumber. The bills for the month were reviewed and approved. The next meeting of the Supervisors will be held on March 4, 2025 at 6:00 Ceres Twp. Building.
Submitted by Brenda Moyer, Township Secretary