The Enemy Within
Pastor B.J. Knefley
There is a saying that goes like this, “I have seen the enemy and it is me.” The sad reality is that regardless of what is happening in our life, the greatest enemy to our happiness and joy is ourselves. We may not like to admit it, but it is true. It has been said that life happens while we’re making other plans. What does that mean? It means that while we are expecting one thing to happen something else does. When life comes at you in this manner it takes the wind out of our sails. Instead of being in control, we are out of control because the events in our lives disrupt our equilibrium and sense of well-being. So, what or how do we deal with life?
First, we need to understand, realize, comprehend, and every other adjective you can think of to express the point that nothing you are experiencing is new to man. You are not unique, you are not being punished, you do not have a dark cloud over your head, it is life and regardless of any other reasons, God is allowing it. The second thing is, we need to talk about it. David on numerous occasions in the Psalms wrote about what he was experiencing. Some might call it complaining, but what he was doing was just laying it out there. He was stating that he did not have all of the answers and that he was being overwhelmed by the problems he was facing. Third, we need to get our mind off the problem. That does not mean that we attempt to forget about it, that doesn’t work anyway, and attempting to forget only drives it deeper. No, we need to focus on something else, redirect our thinking, go for a walk, read a book, music, anything that works for you. Personally, music works the best for redirecting my thoughts when I am being overwhelmed by a problem. Ultimately, it is a heart issue. Proverbs 4:23 gives this warning, “Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.”
Lastly, do not let others tell you what you should or should not be doing or thinking. Instead, seek God, that’s what David did. Remember, God is allowing whatever is happening. He sees the beginning and the end, and there is a plan even when we can’t see it. Think about it.