Reporting North Central PA & Southern Tier NY News As It Happens
The Potter-Tioga Maple weekend is celebrating their 21st year of hosting the art of maple syrup creation. There are 17 participating farms and educational experiences throughout the two counties on March 15 and 16 from 10 AM - 4 PM. Photo by Andy Lychalk, Jr.
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James Fowler, 75, of Old Kane Rd. in Wilcox, PA passed away on Friday (Nov 4) at UPMC-Mercy.
He was born on June 27, 1947 in Kane, the son of the late Ralph and Frances (McMahon) Fowler. On June 11, 1977 in Smethport, he married Patricia Walker, who survives.
Mr. Fowler had worked as a machine operator for Mike Kocjancic Logging. He was a member of the Wilcox American Legion, the Wilcox Sportsman Club, the Kane Elks and the Nazareth Lutheran Church. He served in the Navy during Vietnam and was in the Sea Bees.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Jamie Folwer; Barbara Ann (Paul) Nickles; one son, William Fowler; one step-daughter, Mary (Paul) Coward; a sister, Lydia (Sam) Mills; a brother, John “Jack” Fowler; several grandchildren and nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters Cheryl Baum and April Fowler and a stepdaughter, Ann Cobado.
Friends will be received at the Cummings Funeral Home on Thursday Nov. 10th from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Funeral Services will immediately follow with, Roger Carlson officiating.
Burial with military honors will be in the Wilcox Cemetery.
Memorial donations may be made to the Wilcox Fire Department.
Click here for Facebook live streaming: ALLEGANY COUNTY BOARD OF LEGISLATORS AGENDA – November 9, 2022 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG – Chairman Philip G. Stockin INVOCATION – Legislator Gretchen Hanchett ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2022 – motion to approve 2. Board Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2022 – motion to approve 3. Special Board Meeting Minutes of November 2, 2022 – motion to approve ON THE DESKS: 1. County Administrator’s report of IntraFund Transfers and Tax Bill Corrections approved in October. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, COMMUNICATIONS, REPORTS, ETC. 1. Pursuant to Section 1122 of the NYS Real Property Tax Law, County Treasurer Terri Ross filed a List of Delinquent Taxes (Index #TF22) in the Clerk of the Board’s Office on November 4, 2022. 2. November 1, 2022, Correspondence from Hodgson Russ forwarding an executed copy of the Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreement and Application of Real Property Tax Exemption (RP-412-a) between the Allegany County Industrial Development Agency (ACIDA) and Arvos Ljungstrom , LLC. 3. November 2, 2022, Correspondence from Hodgson Russ forwarding an executed copy of the Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreement and Application of Real Property Tax Exemption (RP-412-a) between the ACIDA and Running Supply, Inc. 4. Notification that the next Inter-County Association of Western New York will be hosted by Niagara County in Niagara Falls on November 10. 5. Notification that the next Fire Advisory Board meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Crossroads. 6. Invitation from the Social Services Department inviting Legislators to attend a Summit to Address Youth Trafficking on November 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The event may be attended virtually or in person. 7. Ways & Means Committee Chairman Brooke Harris reported that the Ways & Means Committee received the 2023 Tentative Annual Budget on October 26, 2022. APPOINTMENETS: 1. County Attorney Allison Carrow filed a Designation of Succession to the Office of County Attorney naming Carissa M. Knapp as First Assistant County Attorney and Aaron G. Moore as Second Assistant County Attorney. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION: 1. Legislator Steven Havey to introduce Local Law Intro. No. 3-2022, Print No. 1, A Local Law Establishing the Office of the Conflict Defender in the County of Allegany.Allegany County Board of Legislators Agenda – November 9, 2022 Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTIONS: 1. Resolution Intro Nos. 324-22 through 339-22 AUDITS ADJOURN
WAYNE, Pa., Nov. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teleflex Incorporated (NYSE: TFX), a leading global provider of medical technologies for critical care and surgery, has announced a worldwide recall of affected lots of the below-referenced Gibeck® Iso-Gard® Filter products. The Gibeck® Iso-Gard® Filter is a bacterial and viral filter, intended for connection to respiratory equipment in intensive care units and operating theatres to protect the equipment from potential airborne contaminants.
If the filter splits or detaches during use, the functionality and efficiency of the device may be compromised, potentially resulting in a leakage and insufficient air supply to the patient with potential desaturation.
ARLINGTON, VA., November 3, 2022 — Nestlé USA is initiating a voluntary recall of a limited quantity of Edible Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough tubs from NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® due to the potential presence of soft plastic film.
This voluntary recall is isolated to three batches of Edible Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough tubs from NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® that were produced August 1-3, 2022.
Insulet Corporation (NASDAQ: PODD) (Insulet or the Company), announced on October 17, 2022, a Medical Device Correction for all Omnipod DASH® Personal Diabetes Managers (PDMs) distributed globally. This action was taken voluntarily with the knowledge of the FDA and other regulatory agencies.
Insulet received reports from Omnipod DASH users regarding PDM battery issues, including battery swelling and leakage, and in rare cases, extreme overheating, which has resulted in reports of fire. The Company’s investigation determined that the Omnipod DASH PDM is at increased risk of malfunction if overcharged beyond the maximum battery voltage, which could potentially lead to serious injury or death.
Deb Plummer, of Coudersport and a member of the Potter County Artisan Co-op, will teach a “Beginner Crochet Class (adult)” Saturday November 12 from 1-3pm at the Co-op. Cost is $30 and includes all materials . Class size is limited and reservations are required by calling the co-op at 814-274-8165 or emailing
The co-op is located at 227 N. Main Street. Coudersport. Plummer says plans will be made at the class for a follow-up session and other classes will be scheduled in the future.
Local constable (Robin Gaige, sitting, left) interviews Nathan (Titus Himmelberger) about his encounter with a mermaid as Oceana (Pat Balon, standing) comments.
The opening night performance of “Foolish Fishgirls and the Pearl” is this Friday, Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Warehouse Theatre at 3 Central Avenue in Wellsboro.
This fun, family-friendly, two-act live stage play is a comedy that people of all ages will enjoy, children and adults. It is charming and fast-paced and filled with surprises, laughs and even a little rough-housing,
Immediately following the Friday night show will be a reception for the actors and the audience with refreshments provided by the Wellsboro Business and Professional Women.
Produced by the Hamilton-Gibson Women’s Project and directed by Linda Young, other weekend performances will be at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, Nov. 12 and a matinee at 2:30 p.m. this Sunday, Nov. 13. The last two shows will be at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18 and 19.
Anne Acker as Coral and Pat Balon as Oceana are the former deep-sea divas who didn’t exactly have the “happily ever after” storybook lives that these two mermaids dreamed of when they rescued their handsome young sailors and swam ashore thirty years ago.
They’ve discovered that a starry-eyed young mermaid (Lexa VanDusen) has rescued Nathan, a Coast Guard sailor (Titus Himmelberger) whose car went off a nearby bridge. They have a chance to save her from making the same mistakes they did by warning her about the perils and pitfalls of falling in love with mortal men who abscond with your gems, leaving you penniless with a broken heart and two skinny legs.
Assisted by their cousin Marina (Judith Sornberger) who was unceremoniously dumped when her treasure finally ran out, the trio of middle aged former sea goddesses try to convince the young mermaid, Pearl, to hightail it back to the sea.
If, that is, the two land-bound former mermaids who run a seaside bed and breakfast and café called Sea Hags can navigate around local irritant Floyd “Pinky” Ferguson (Brett Kennedy) and the local constable (Robin Gaige), who is always busy trying to maintain order amidst the chaos of a brutal winter in the “off season.”
But love, being what it is, gives Pearl some ideas of her own in this feisty fairytale about a mermaid’s life on dry land after true love is found, lost and found again.
General admission is $16 for adults, 19 and older, and $8 for students and children, 18 and under. For tickets, go to or call Hamilton-Gibson at 570-724-2079. Tickets, if available, will be sold in the Warehouse Theatre lobby beginning an hour before each performance.
Julie Adams, RDN, CDCES Diabetes and Nutrition, UPMC
November is National Diabetes Month and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the chronic disease affects over 37 million people in the U.S. or about 11% of the country’s population. It’s important to understand what diabetes is and how you can help manage the condition with lifestyle modifications and nutrition.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a health condition in which your body has difficulty with insulin, the hormone that helps sugar diffuse into your cells. The insulin either is not used properly by your body, or your body simply does not have the ability to produce enough.
Three types of diabetes include:
Type 1 – This is the type of diabetes that occurs as an autoimmune reaction or when your pancreas does not produce insulin. When diagnosed with this type of diabetes, it is likely that you will need daily injections of insulin. Type 1 is usually diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults, but it can develop at any age. It is less common than type 2 — approximately 5-10% of people with diabetes have type 1. Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes, but it can be managed.
Type 2 – This is the most prevalent type of diabetes, and risk factors for developing it can be impacted by lifestyle changes. Your pancreas produces insulin, but your body doesn’t respond appropriately – this is known as insulin resistance. Your pancreas makes more insulin to try to get cells to respond. Eventually your pancreas can’t keep up, and your blood sugar rises, setting the stage for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Gestational – Occurs during pregnancy and usually goes away after pregnancy. This affects how your body uses sugar, similar to the other types of diabetes. If you have a history of gestational diabetes, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. People with a history of gestational diabetes can have higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the future.
Nutrition Tips for Diabetes Management
Taking care of your blood sugar is key to living a normal life with diabetes. Your doctor will support you through this diagnosis and help create a plan to manage your body’s level of blood sugar. Education of this health condition is one of the main ways of staying on top of it. The more you know about diabetes, the better you can take action to prevent complications.
If you are managing diabetes, you can still include a variety of foods each day. Protein and fiber help with blood sugar management. Plan meals and snacks that combine high-fiber carbohydrate foods with protein foods to help prevent blood sugar from going up quickly. Try snacks like peanut butter with apple slices or low-fat cottage cheese with a tablespoon of apple butter to enjoy the flavors of fall.
Holidays centered around food can be stressful for people with diabetes. Plan some time to focus on friends and family. Celebrate in ways that put less emphasis on sweet treats and more emphasis on being together with family and friends. Go for a family walk after a holiday meal or plan a family and friends game night to enjoy being together with loved ones.
There is an increased risk for heart disease for people with diabetes. Reduce your risk by choosing heart-healthy unsaturated fats most often. In dishes that call for butter, try swapping for flavorful, heart-healthy oils like extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil or pumpkin seed oil.
If you’re having a difficult time in dealing with new lifestyle changes that are necessary to cope with diabetes, there’s additional help available. Classes, events, and support groups are available to provide extra support and education.
Julie Adams, RDN, CDCES, sees patients at UPMC Diabetes and Nutrition Care Center, UPMC Williamsport Divine Providence Campus, 1100 Grampian Blvd., Williamsport. For more information about diabetes and nutrition services, visit
Join the Catholic Women’s Club of Bradford on Sunday, November 13th at 10:00 Mass and after shared liturgy, for a Red, White and Blue Veteran’s Luncheon. The event will honor the service members past and present with a complimentary soup and sandwich luncheon at the Father Gallina Social Hall across from St. Bernard’s Church. The social hall is located at 95 East Corydon Street. Veterans Day is an excellent occasion for local communities to produce a variety of meaningful programs and participation by veterans and other patriotic groups is encouraged!
Jim – the commissioners may have more info, but the boxes that go to the polling precincts did NOT include the keys for the voting machines. The polls have emergency paper ballots, but the machines cannot be used until they get all the keys driven to the various locations…Major delays this morning…
He joins UAHS with over 30 years of experience in healthcare with the last 20 years advancing through the ranks at Bassett Healthcare Network in Cooperstown, NY. He was most recently the vice president of clinical support services within the healthcare network that oversees 34 health centers, 14 school-based centers, 6 hospitals, 3 cancer treatment centers, nursing and home health services and a variety other healthcare related services along with the Bassett Medical Group.
Bonderoff earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from SUNY College at Oneonta in Oneonta, NY and his master’s degree in business administration at Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY. He is also a member of the Medical Group Management Association and the American College of Healthcare Executives. A resident of Cooperstown, NY, Bonderoff, is active volunteering his time through various community, business, and sports organizations.
“Scott will do great things for our healthcare system. His versatile experience is impressive which will benefit our organization with him stepping in as interim COO,” said Jill Owens, MD, president, BRMC, OGH. “He will be able to continue to execute the current operational and financial initiatives that Dave DiBacco started. These initiatives will help strengthen us financially, improve the care we provide, and allow us to continue to expand services.”
With Bonderoff stepping into the role of interim chief operating officer, David DiBacco, who has held the position since May 2022 will be returning to his permanent position as vice president, chief operating officer at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital and DeGraff Medical Park, both Kaleida Health facilities. He temporarily left his role to help spearhead initiatives at Upper Allegheny Health System that have improved efficiency while cutting costs.
“Dave has been a blessing for UAHS! Even though he was with us for a short six months, his impact on the organization has already made a big difference,” said Dr. Owens. “This administration is looking to continue to enhance the healthcare provided to the Bradford, Olean, and surrounding communities through providing more efficient and quality care.”
Since taking the role of president in May 2022, Dr. Owens and her administration have been busy executing initiatives, saving the organization over $14 million this year. However, rising costs, supply chain disruptions, lower than normal volumes, staffing shortages, and lower reimbursement rates continue to plague the healthcare industry since the start of the pandemic. This is a national problem not only affecting our local hospitals but also affecting other rural hospitals and healthcare giants across the United States, with some showing billions of dollars in losses this year.
Bonderoff’s experience and knowledge about the healthcare industry will continue to help UAHS administration move the needle in the right direction. Leadership will continue to focus on enhancing the quality of care provided throughout UAHS to continue to be the region’s choice for healthcare.
Photo Caption: Scott Bonderoff, MBA is named interim chief operating officer of UAHS.