January 3, 2023 at 5 PM
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Appointments for 2023
Position 2022 / 2023
1. Chairman of the Board: Jeremy Morey /
2. Vice Chairman: Nita Spencer /
3. Secretary: Nita Spencer /
4. Treasurer: Nita Spencer /
5. Assistant Treasurer: Michele Sullivan /
6. Treasurer’s Bonds: $500,000.00 /
7. Bank(s) of Depository: C & N and PLGIT /
8. Road Master: Carl Johnson /
9. Parks and Recreation Director: All Supervisors /
10. Floodplain Manager / Administrator: Erb Inspections /
11. Floodplain Ordinance Survey Official: Kyle Maxson, Prof. Land Surveyor PA & NY /
12. Hazard Mitigation Officer: All Supervisors /
13. Liaison with Township Employees: All Supervisors /
14. Act 45 Township Building Code Official: Erb Inspections /
15. Alternate Act 45 Inspection Agencies: State Approved Code /
16. Emergency Management Coordinator: Frank Kaziska /
17. Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator: Alan Lacher /
18. Homeland Security Officer: Alan Lacher /
19. Primary Township Solicitor: Dan Glassmire /
20. Alternate Township Solicitor: Stapleford & Byham /
21. Water/Sewer Collection Agency: Stapleford & Byham /
22. Bond Council: Stapleford & Byham /
23. CPA Audit Firm: Haines & Co. /
24. Primary Township Engineer: E&M Engineers and Surveyors, PC/
25. Alternate Township Engineer: ARS Engineering Services /
26. Sewage Enforcement Officer: Terry Meyers /
27. Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer: Roger Bickleman /
28. Municipal Sewer Connection Inspector: Cody Lentz & Roy Nickerson /
29. Act 32 Delegate (TCC): Adam Moate /
30. Act 32 Alternate Delegate: Jeremy Morey /
31. Port Allegany Economic Redevelopment Board Representative: None /
32. Freedom of Information Act Officer: Nita Spencer /
33. Roulette Earned Income Tax Officer: Nita Spencer /
34. Delinquent Real Estate Tax Collection Agent: Potter County Tax Claim Bureau /
35. Delinquent Per Capita Tax Collection Agent: G. H. Harris Associates, Inc. /
36. Port Allegany Earned Income Tax Delegate: Berkheimer Tax /
37. Voting Delegate for State Association Annual Convention: Nita Spencer /
38. Vacancy Board Appointment: Cody Lentz /
39. Monthly Meeting Dates and Time: Second Thursday of each month at 6:00PM /
40. Emergency Spending limit: $600 /
41. Mileage reimbursement for employees: Adopt federal mileage per mile @ $0.58 /
42. Authorize pre-payment of cash inv., payroll, & reoccurring monthly bills: / reoccurring monthly bills
43. Employee raises: SS 4.5% /