On April 8 at 8:34 Pm. Weston Mills Rescue unit and Portville Fire and ambulance were dispatched for a male pinned under an atv in the water off Gleason Hollow Rd. In Portville.
David C. Jandrew, 50, passed away Saturday, April 8, 2023 from injuries sustained in an ATV accident.
At 11:42 AM on Friday, Smethport Fire Dept. & MA 17 have been dispatched to a head-on two vehicle crash on West Water Street near Holmes Street. Port Allegany Ambulance dispatched for second patient.
At 5:45 PM on Thursday, Allegany Fire Dept. has been dispatched to 3765 Birch Run Road for a house fire. Allegany chief on scene reports light smoke showing from a working mobile home fire. Chief requests law enforcement to scene. Westons Mills & Knapp Creek dispatched for tankers & manpower.
At 17:45 4/6/23 Allegany Fire department was toned for a possible structure fire at an address on Birch Run rd. Allegany Chief arrived on scene within 2 minutes and declared a working fire bringing the 1st alarm mutual aid to the scene. Chief 2 arrived seconds later and did a quick primary search.
The single wide trailer had light smoke in the rear along with light smoke coming from a vent on the B side of the structure. Primary search was negative and it was found that the electric vent fan in the bathroom ceiling was on fire and was extending to the attic area.
The crew from Engine 32 and Tower 6 made quick work of removing the fan and pulling ceiling around it to check for extension while the outside crew opened up one end of the peaked roof and started to remove insulation on that was smoldering.
Damage was contained to mostly the bathroom ceiling and the cause to be electrical in nature. Westons Mills and Knapp Creek responded to the scene to assist along with Deputy 4, NYSP, and National Grid. Believers Chapel was on scene to assist the family.
At 4:26 PM on Thursday, Otto Township Fire & City Ambulance have been called to 1778 Looker Mountain Trail for a one vehicle accident with possibly one person injured. EMS CANCELLED.
Folks, it looks like we may get a little rain tonight into the morning but it will not be enough. The 7 day forecast looks pretty dry, and with the wind we have been having everything is dried up. April is historically peak brush fire season. Do not do any outside burning right now. You may think you can watch it and keep it contained but you can’t. I have heard over and over at brush fires someone tell me “I didn’t think it would go anywhere.” It will. Then DCNR gets called and you could be looking at fines if leaves your property and costs for equipment to come put it out.
Don’t be that guy. The brush pile and burn barrel can wait.
At 8:15 AM on Thursday, Ridgway Fire & EMS are responding to a one vehicle accident on Montmorenci Road with a utility pole sheared off and vehicle totally engulfed in flames.
At 2:20 PM on Wednesday, Eldred Township Fire & Eldred ambulance 24 have been dispatched to the 4 corners on the Prentissvale Road for a school bus vs passenger vehicle. There were no children on the bus. Elderly operator of the passenger vehicle is being transported by private vehicle to the hospital. The bus driver signed off on treatment or transport. Eldred Borough Fire Dept. has been requested to close Prentisville Rd. at Kendall Bridge
At 1:18 PM on Wednesday, Kersey Ambulance & St. Marys medic have been dispatched for a 39 year old male burn victim located on Squab Hollow Road. Air medical has been requested.
At 1:20 PM on Wednesday, Coudersport ambulance has been called to 2 locations for female fall victims with head injuries. Elk Street & South West Street.
At 12:48 PM on Wednesday, Elkland, Osceola, Nelson & Valley Ambulance have been dispatched to 1320 Pleasant Valley Road in Farmington Township for a house fire. Caller reports front porch on fire. Occupants are reported out of the structure. Reported to be the Hurd residence.
At 12:42 PM on Wednesday, Eldred Fire Dept. has been called to Well ? Child Care on Main Street for a natural gas leak inside a structure. Facility has been evacuated.
At 6:38 AM on Wednesday, Coudersport Fire Department has been dispatched for a working structure fire at the Hotel Crittenden on Main Street. Port Allegany, Roulette, Emporium, Shinglehouse, Austin dispatched mutual aid. Reports fire visible from second or third floor. Ladder truck from Genesee requested. RIT requested from Smethport & Kane. Wellsville units dispatched to scene. Ulysses Fire & EMS dispatched to scene. Westfield, Harrison Valley & Drone 50 requested to scene.
Photo by Calee Sherwood Phelps
8:35 AM–Fire under control. Confined to original structure. Extensive mop up anticipated. West Penn Power crew on scene. Report 5 patients transported to UPMC Cole.
At 3:00 PM on Tuesday, Mansfield Fire Dept. has been dispatched to the area of 4222 Lambs Creek Road for a two acre wildfire with exposures in the woods and spreading. Wellsboro & Blossburg requested to assist.