Capitol Update by Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint)
Contact Capitol Update Friday, July 28, 2023 The latest news from the State Capitol You are welcome to contact me through this link. EMS Task Force Holds First Meeting The first meeting of the EMS Task Force convened last night in Smethport with more than two dozen people coming together to discuss how to strengthen the EMS system and ensure we can continue providing these vital life-saving services in our communities. A main focus of conversation was the need to get local officials more involved in financially supporting emergency medical services. Municipalities are required by law to ensure their communities have fire and EMS coverage but not all provide adequate funding. The group agreed it’s vital to educate not only local officials but also taxpayers about the urgency of providing that financial support. There was additional discussion about the possibility of creating municipal authorities, which involve multiple local government entities, to fund and provide emergency services. This is already being done in Altoona and being pursued in other areas, including Lancaster County and Forest County. The concept can be modified to meet the needs of specific areas. We also talked about how to make the EMS profession more appealing to not only recruit young people but keep them. Pay, benefits, tax credits and assistance with higher education costs were among the ideas. I greatly appreciate everyone who took the time to participate in the meeting and look forward to ongoing discussions and ideas to meet the many challenges we face. Hearing Set to Discuss Rural Hospital, Health Care Sustainability The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is hosting a public hearing on the sustainability of rural hospitals and rural health care on Thursday, Aug. 3, from 9-11:30 a.m. at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. The hearing will feature statewide health organization representatives, hospital and health center executives, and public health experts, including Richard Esch, president, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, and Dr. Jill Owens, president, Upper Allegheny Health System. For a full list of testifiers, click here. The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Bradford Senior Citizens Expo Aug. 4 Please join us on Friday, Aug. 4, for the Bradford Senior Citizens Expo! Open to senior citizens and their family members and caregivers, the event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Sports and Fitness Gymnasium, Campus Drive, Bradford. The event is free to attend, and lunch will be provided. State, county and local exhibitors will be on hand to distribute information and answer questions about a variety of issues. Health screenings will also be offered, and door prize drawings will be held at 12:30 p.m. If you can’t make it this time, mark your calendar for additional expos scheduled later this year. We’ll be at the Kane Community Center on Friday, Sept. 8, and the Roulette Fire Hall on Friday, Oct. 13. Both events run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information about the senior expos, contact the Bradford office at 814-362-4400. Information is also available at or on Facebook at PLEASE NOTE: Due to the expo, our offices in Bradford and Kane will be closed all day on Friday, Aug. 4. The office in Coudersport will remain open and may be reached by calling 814-274-9769. Come See Us at the Potter County Fair! The Potter County Fair starts this weekend, and once again, my office will have a table set up offering a variety of brochures and booklets about state programs and services, as well as state maps. The table will be staffed in the evenings from Monday, July 31, through Friday, Aug. 4. Please stop by!! More information about the fair schedule is available here. National Night Out This Tuesday, Aug. 1, is National Night Out, a day set aside to promote police-community partnerships and engage all of us in the effort to support the health and safety of our friends and neighbors. Millions of people across the country will take part in National Night Out events, including block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts and more. Bradford will host its annual event on Tuesday from 5-8 p.m. along Chambers Street downtown. Law enforcement personnel from all over McKean County will be present, so this is an excellent opportunity to meet your local officers and learn about their dedication to your safety. The event also features live music, food vendors, games and more! Blood Drive Monday in Bradford Due to low blood supply in the region, Community Blood Bank is hosting a blood drive on Monday, July 31, from noon to 5 p.m. at St. Bernard Church, 95 E. Corydon St., Bradford. All blood types are needed; however, blood bank officials say there has been a near constant critical need for type O. People with O negative blood are considered “universal donors” because their blood can be used in transfusions of any type. O positive is also in demand because it is the most common blood type. Call 814-456-4206 to schedule an appointment to donate. Appointments are encouraged to reduce wait time but are not required. Walk-ins are always welcomed. North Central to Highlight Funding Opportunities for Local Government, Nonprofit Organizations Northcentral Regional Planning and Development Commission is hosting a series of “Funding Focus Hours” to highlight grant funding opportunities for municipalities and nonprofit organizations. To avoid wait times, schedule an appointment by contacting Elise Grovanz at or 814-773-3162, ext. 3016. Veterans Services Available Area veterans are invited to contact my office to schedule appointments to talk with a representative from the American Legion to ensure they are getting the services and support they need. Due to changes initiated by the American Legion, appointments in the Bradford and Kane offices will be conducted virtually via a tablet. Appointments are required for meetings with the Legion representative, whether they are in person, by phone or by tablet. The schedule is as follows: • Coudersport office: Thursday, Aug. 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Coudersport office is located at 107 S. Main St. Please call 814-274-9769 to schedule an appointment. • Bradford office: Wednesday, Aug. 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Bradford office is located at 78 Main St., first floor. Please call 814-362-4400 to schedule an appointment. • Kane office: Wednesday, Aug. 30, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Kane office is located at 54 Fraley St., Suite 2. Please call 814-837-0880 to schedule an appointment. Assistance is available with issues such as compensation, education, pension, health care and death benefits. Veterans need not be a member of the American Legion to participate. Record Return of Unclaimed Property in 2022-23 – Could You Be Next? However, more than $4.5 billion remains, so if you haven’t checked for your name on Treasury’s Unclaimed Property database, click here now. Remember, if you find property that is yours, you do not need to pay anyone to claim it. You may go directly through the Office of the Treasury or contact my office for assistance. One in 10 Pennsylvanians is owed unclaimed property, and the average claim is worth about $1,600. Unclaimed property can include dormant bank accounts, abandoned stocks, uncashed checks and more. Property is always available for the rightful owner to claim. Tangible property – often the contents of forgotten safe deposit boxes – may be auctioned after three years, but proceeds remain available to claim in perpetuity. Military decorations and memorabilia – often turned over to Treasury from abandoned or forgotten safe deposit boxes – are never auctioned and remain in the vault for safekeeping until a veteran or their family is found. |