BRMC meals on wheels receives ARPA grant

Bradford, PA – The McKean County Commissioners and the McKean County Community Foundation (MCCF) has recently awarded the Meals on Wheels program, which is coordinated at Bradford Regional Medical Center (BRMC), a $10,000 grant through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
“The Meals on Wheels program is a fundamental service that is provided to the needing people of our community,” said Stacy Williams, Bradford Hospital Foundation Executive Director who oversees the program. “This grant from The McKean County Commissioners and the McKean County Community Foundation will help us buy much needed new heaters and coolers, help offset the cost of qualifying free meals, and help our program continue to grow and providing this essential service to our community. We’re so thankful for organizations like MCCF because without them and our local supporters, we would be unable to continue to serve residents in need,” Williams said.
The grant will help support the Meals on Wheels program which serves approximately 140 participants throughout McKean County. Since the beginning of 2022, the BRMC Meals on Wheels program has served and delivered 30,708 meals with over 22,530 meals being free.
The McKean County Commissioners and the McKean County Community Foundation (MCCF) formed a partnership to distribute grant money made available to the county through the American Rescue Plan Act. As a grant-making entity, the Community Foundation is assisting the Commissioners by processing, awarding, and overseeing the administration of the grants. This McKean County Community Foundation/Commissioners Partnership has awarded $226,595 to local organizations for their programs and projects that benefit our communities. The McKean County Commissioners and Community Foundation are pleased to provide this opportunity to financially assist our non-profits.
BRMC assumed operations of the Meals on Wheels program in 2017 and has continued to become a vital program that continues to combat hunger in McKean County. The mission is to enhance the lives of older adults, persons with disabilities and others who are homebound by providing nutritious meals, personal contact, and related services to qualifying participants throughout McKean County. Operation of the meals on wheels program is coordinated five days per week, with weekend meals provided upon request. Meals are delivered directly to participants’ homes by volunteers.
Participants can be referred to the program through a healthcare provider, family member or self-referral. For more information about the program or to become a volunteer, call (814) 362-8288.