Bizzak Brings First Predator to Rolfe Beagle Club’s Statewide Coyote and Fox Hunt or Trap
Johnsonburg, Pa.: Josh Bizzak of Wilcox brought in a beautiful gray fox as the first predator harvested for Rolfe Beagle Club’s Statewide Coyote and Fox Hunt or Trap. “It was so bitter cold last night; I went to two different places and the wind was blowing so hard, I got right back in the truck. Then I went to a field I haven’t been to in a couple of years, and at my second stand, the fox came in within two minutes.”
Josh brought in a 11.4# male gray fox that he harvested at 1:00 a.m. on public lands in Elk County. Josh shoots a .17 Hornet and uses an electronic call. Josh is a well-known experienced predator hunter and trapper.
Hunters are reminded that if they choose to participate during the second or third weekend of this three-weekend hunt or trap, they must have their registration postmarked by Thursday, 2/13 or Thursday, 2/20.
Weigh-in is at 4:00 p.m. every day. Categories include coyote, fox, largest female coyote, and largest female fox. Additional information at the Facebook Page, Rolfe Beagle Club.