Think About it.
Pastor B.J. Knefley
Life is full of the unexpected. As much as we try to plan, the unexpected happens and we have to do some course correction. I like to think that the unexpected is not a respecter of persons. It goes right along with ‘Life happens while we’re making other plans.’
A few years ago I had tests ordered because of complications of bronchitis and asthma. In the course of that test it was learned that I had a large aorta aneurism which was going to need attention very soon. Subsequently I now sit at my computer with a “zipper” on my chest as they had to do open heart surgery to repair the aneurism.
Life after major surgery is not the same as it was before. In my case I couldn’t drive for 4-6 weeks and needed to rely upon family and friends to cart me different places. For a person who was accustomed to walking 3-4 miles per day, learning to take it easy is another unexpected challenge.
Someone asked me when was the last time I had been a patient in the hospital. My response? 1952. Other than a colonoscopy I haven’t been in a hospital. I’ve learned about another side of life that I’ve never seen or experienced before. I’d like to say that I’m a great patient but I’m not. I’m restless and frustrated with the process. To someone who is accustomed to being in control, this sucks.
Of course the unexpected is never the real problem. The real problem is how you deal with the unexpected. Does it control you, upset your life, throw you into despair or can you ride out the unexpected in stride? Personally as a person of faith, I believe that nothing happens without God’s foreknowledge. As such the Apostle Paul stated that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28-29). Therefore even if it was unexpected for me, it was not for God and in that I can have peace and hope. That’s a great place to be. Think about it.