Think About It
Pastor B.J. Knefley
Are you intentional? What about your relationships, exercise, work, leisure, or? Are you intentional about anything, or are you like many just muddling through life haphazardly? Are you intentional about your faith? Do you have any? How would you answer these questions and many more relating to intentionality?
I suppose that intentionality relates to goals and objectives. For those who make New Year’s resolutions they are intentionally making plans to accomplish specific things over the new year. Sadly, many of those plans quickly evaporate within a few short days or weeks. Is it because a goal without a plan is just a wish. Can it also be said that a goal without intentionality is but a wish?
Over the years I have learned that I can’t do things by myself. I, like many, need encouragement. Often to pursue things with intentionality involves engagement with others in this same pursuit. I need others in my life to help me during those times when I feel like giving up, or I just don’t feel like doing it at all. For example, I had a cycling partner that was a stronger rider than I was. As we rode, he would always ride slightly ahead making me ride harder and faster to keep up. In the end it made me a stronger rider. Because I was stronger at running than I was at cycling I would also run slightly ahead of other runners who were trying to improve. Interestingly when we’re too far ahead we discourage those trying to keep up, but when we’re just a hair in front, the desire to overcome becomes a greater challenge.
The writer of the Book of Hebrews speaks of running the race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1-13). In other words, be intentional about this race we call life that is in front of you. Be intentional in your relationships both in the physical and spiritual realms. Don’t live a life of trying to catch up but rather live it in a manner that is reaching for that which is in front and not behind. You’ll be surprised that a fulfilled life is a happy life. Think about it.