Think About It
Pastor B.J. Knefley
Are you a person of influence? It may surprise you, but we are all people of influence in one way or the other. Just by the very nature. of your existence you have influence. How much and how significant it is depending upon you. The scope of your influence might only be your immediate family, but it is still an influence.
A friend shared with me that he had been asked to include a reading at a funeral he was conducting. The reading that he was to share was one of these short essays that I had written several years earlier. Although I didn’t know the person who had passed, my influence through writing was being remembered and shared with others at their funeral.
What we don’t understand or realize is that our life is an influence on whomever we meet and don’t meet. How we interact with others, our comments with what we say and don’t say all have a bearing in the lives of others. Whether intentional or unintentional, we leave an impression as we traverse through life. It might be like the scent of a rose or the stink of a skunk, we all leave something behind. Ultimately, we all have a choice about the type of influence that we will create.
Not sure about what your influence? Simply ask others. This might be the first step. Another way is to look at your social media posts. It can say much about who you are, what you like and dislike, your spirituality, and even your political leanings. What others see will have an influence both in a positive manner and negative. If you don’t like what you’re seeing you have the power to change that. Remember you may not have the power to change others, but you do have the power to change how you’ll allow them to influence you and vice versa. So yes, you are a person of influence you must choose what type of influence you’re going to have. Think about it.