Think About It
Which Way?
B.J. Knefley
Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads in life and wondered which way you were to go? Life is full of decisions. From the time we get up to the time we go to bed we’re making decisions. Some are major, but most are probably not. Yet it is often those little decisions that affect the course of life. Decisions that we make in the moment that seem insignificant can lead to disastrous consequences later. So how do we make the right ones? How do we know which is the right one?
I have made decisions in the moment that were only related to my mood at the time. Those decisions, based upon my feelings, were often inconsequential. But what happens when all of our decisions are based upon our mood or feelings in the moment? Compounded further, what happens when society operates out of their mood or feelings in the moment? Who is taking the time to ask the question, which way? Does anyone?
The strongest part of any building is the foundation. We can create a structure or even a life that looks great on the outside but is fragile and unable to stand against the difficulties of life and the ups and downs of everyday life. Jesus describes it as building a house upon a rock vs. sand. The obvious point is that a life built upon sand will sway and crumble, while a life build upon a rock will withstand the storms. So, which describes your foundation? The question of “Which Way” will be best influenced by the foundation to which one has built.
The foundation of one’s life is affected by what’s been poured into it. It goes back to a saying that I’ve used over the years, “What we live with we learn, what we learn we practice, and what we practice we become”. What we’ve seen, heard and experienced will have a direct bearing upon which way we go in life. It will only change when I purposefully choose to make those changes. Think about it.