“Ridin for Shared Home” Motorcycle Benefit Ride Postponed to July 23rd.
Safety of our drivers and passengers comes first, so due to inclement weather predictions, we are postponing our “Ridin for Shared Home” Motorcycle Benefit Ride to July 23rd. We hope you will join us to support this great cause: Wellsboro Shared Home and her Residents.
Same place (Eisenhauer’s Tioga County Harley-Davidson, 2911 S. Main St, Mansfield, PA)
Times (Registration 10am, Kickstands up at 11am)
Lunch provided after Ride (Approximately 1:15pm)
Same Route (Covington, Liberty, Morris, Wellsboro, Ansonia, Wellsboro, Mansfield)
Thank you. Your donations at this later date mean the world to us. sharedhm@ptd.net