North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission Invites Pre-Applications for Appalachian Regional Commission Projects
[Ridgway, PA] – The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission is pleased to announce the opening of pre-applications for Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Area Development and Local Access Road project funding for fiscal year 2024.
ARC is an economic development partnership agency of the federal government consisting of 13 states and 423 counties across the Appalachian Region. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest in building community capacity and strengthening economic growth in Appalachia. Local Development Districts, such as North Central, work in partnership with ARC to champion regional strategies for progress, collaboration, and prosperity.
To be eligible for funding, all proposed projects must align with the goals and objectives outlined in the Appalachian Envisioned: ARC’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, available for reference at Additionally, projects must adhere to the Pennsylvania State strategies for ARC projects.
Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their ARC Area Development or Local Access Road project pre-applications to the North Central PA Regional Planning and Development Commission no later than July 12, 2023. These pre-applications will undergo a comprehensive review process by North Central before submitting to ARC. It is important to note that pre-applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis even after the initial deadline. A template for the ARC pre-application can be found on the North Central website at
For further inquiries or assistance regarding ARC Area Development or Local Access Road pre-applications, please contact Sherry Dumire at 814-773-3162. We look forward to receiving innovative and impactful project proposals that will contribute to the growth and development of our six-county region.
The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission is a premier regional development organization that serves the public and private sector through a wide range of economic, community, infrastructure, human services, and technology programs for Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean, and Potter Counties.