The Hamilton-Gibson Children and Youth Choirs Spring Concert is This Sunday, May 21 at 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church at 130 Main Street in Wellsboro.
“We did not choose a yearlong theme but in the world we live in we were drawn to the songs that offered hope, and that hope is in recognizing how we are alike,” said Thomas Putnam.
“Many of the songs we’re singing explore our connectedness with each other, we are one,” he said. “We can’t make it through these challenging times without sticking together.
The concert will open with all three choirs singing “Amazing Grace,” “I Wanna Be Ready” and “Building Bridges.”
The Children’s Concert Choir for fifth through eighth graders and Youth Choir for ninth through twelfth graders, both directed by Thomas Putnam of Wellsboro, will then perform “Because All Men Are Brothers” followed by the Children’s Concert Choir singing “Yellow Submarine,” “Circle Round the Moon” and “Niska Banja” and the Youth Choir, “Yesterday,” “Eleanor Rigby” and “Hey Jude.”
The Children’s Concert Choir and Youth Choir will then join in performing “Let It Be” and “If Not Now, When?”
Choir Too for youngsters in the second through fourth grades directed by Cheryl Hein Walters of Mansfield will sing “Bombalina” and “Ear Worm.”
The Children’s Concert Choir and Youth Choir will perform “Draw the Circle” and “We Are Not Alone.”
Closing the concert will be the Children’s Concert Choir and Youth Choir singing “Song for Justice,” “Sisi Ni Moja” and “Scottish Blessing.”
Piano accompanist for the concert is Gary Citro.
Tickets at the door are $10 for adults and $5 for children and students, 18 and under.