Walk – Bike – Roll! Activating Your Community
Mark your calendar for a day of interactive presentations about connecting local communities with more mobility options, for economic vitality and greater transportation independence for all.
Friday, MAY 19, between 9am and 4:30pm
Six and Kane at 63 North Fraley Street in Kane
All are welcome
Event is free and open to the public; lunch will be provided
Seats are limited and registration is required: bit.ly/AT23northcentralPA
The PA Route 6 Alliance and PA WalkWorks/the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, with key sponsorship from West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund and the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission, are working together to bring a workshop on active transportation planning for rural municipalities to Kane on Friday, May 19, from 9 to 4:30pm. The program will feature locally tailored presentations from a national expert discussing how to move from the recently adopted regional Active Transportation Plan completed by the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission to the municipal level and making sure that momentum is continued for expanding not just greenway and trail access but also the use of active modes for everyday transportation within individual municipalities. The goal is for every community to have safe, accessible, inviting connected opportunities to walk and bike, whether for recreation, sport, transportation, or tourism.
For more information, detailed schedule, and registration, visit bit.ly/AT23northcentralPA. Please direct any questions about the event to pawalkworks@padowntown.org.