PennDOT Cameron/Potter County Maintenance Work Schedule for the Week of May 15 – May 19, 2023
Emporium/Coudersport, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Cameron/Potter County Maintenance announces the following work schedule for the week of May 15 – May 19, weather permitting. Motorists should travel with extra caution in these and all work areas. Motorists should be aware that due to the nature of highway maintenance and emergency work, crews could be working on any highway at any time of the day or night.
Cameron County 0240
- State Route: 120 (Entire Route)
- State Route: 555 (Low Grade Road)
Crack Sealing:
- State Route: 120 (872 intersection to Clinton County Line)
- State Route: 1002 (Broad Street)
Potter County 0260
Bridge Cleaning:
- State Route: Coneville and Shinglehouse Area
Sign Repairs/Replacement:
- State Route: Various SR throughout County
Shoulder Cutting:
- State Route: 44 (Coneville to Shinglehouse)
- 4023 (Eleven Mile)
- State Route: 4016 (Irish Settlement Road)
Pipe Replacement:
- State Route: 4001 (Sartwell Creek Road)
- State Route: 4007 (Dingman Run Road)
Spray Patching:
- State Route: 1010 (Genesee/Mills Road)
- State Route: 6 (Coudersport to Sweden Valley)
- State Route: 1005 (Phoenix Road)
The following work is scheduled to be completed by contractor, weather permitting:
Cameron County 0240
- Richardson Tree & Landscape Company, Inc: Tree Trimming on SR 46 (Rich Valley to the McKean County line)
Potter County 0260
- Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc: Roadway repairs including drainage work will continue on US Route 6 (Port Allegany to Coudersport) with flaggers to control work zones. Repairs on bridge structure located at the intersection of US Route 6 and Trout Brook Road and this section of roadway will be controlled by temporary traffic signals.
- Nestlerode Contracting Company, Inc: Bridge replacement on State Route 1011 (Hickox/Ulysses Road). Detour will be in place and traffic will use State Route 1012 (Jackson Road), State Route 49, and State Route 1011.