NCDEA Elects New Leadership
The National Conservation District Employees Association (NCDEA) held its regular business meeting during the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, February 11-15.
During the meeting, the NCDEA Board of Directors elected a new slate of officers for 2023. Newly elected officers include President, Melissa Higbee, Michigan; Vice President, Sarah Tunge, North Dakota; Secretary, Eric Shideler, Indiana; Treasurer, Gretchen Rank, Colorado and Member at Large, Mandy Parkes, California.
Newly installed Region Directors include Tami Moore, Northern Plains Director, South Dakota; Tanya Fell, Southwest Director, Colorado; Michael Henn, Southwest Alternate, Wyoming; Jeff Parker, North East Director, New York; Sandy Thompson, Northeast Alternate, Pennsylvania; Eric Shideler, North Central Director, Indiana; Angela Warren, North Central Alternate, Michigan; Kayleigh Evans, Southeast Director, Kentucky; Kelly Snoddy, Southeast Alternate, Virginia; Mandy Parkes, Pacific Director, California; Vicki Carter, Pacific Alternate, Washington.
NCDEA Professional Development Committee hosted an event for employees attending the NACD Annual Meeting featuring four states that provide leadership training to supervisors and staff. Each of the represented states highlighted their programs, discussed how they are funded and reviewed the criteria for admittance into the specific program. Attendees were able to ask the panel questions, and a lively discussion ensued.
The National Conservation District Employees Association was conceived in February 1984 and established in February 1992 by district employees with a passion for the local conservation delivery system. They recognized that district employees across the nation, at the direction of their local boards, are primarily responsible for the grassroots local delivery of conservation. NCDEA builds bridges to assist 7000+ district professionals in implementing conservation programs in their local communities. To learn more about NCDEA, visit