SW Smith Memorial Public Library Building Fun(d) 5K Run and Fun Walk
Love your library by participating in the S.W. Smith Memorial Public Library Building FUN(d) 5K Run or Fun Walk (1 mile)! Run, walk, bike, scoot, or skate to raise money for the library’s Building Fund! Pre-register by March 1, 2023 to receive an event T-shirt. 5K Run and Fun Walk start and end at the S.W. Smith Memorial Public Library at 201 E Maple Street in Port Allegany, PA.
Registration Fees
Adults (age 19 & up) $35.00
Students (age 6-18) $15.00 or $0 with a business sponsorship (call the library to see if a sponsorship is available for you)!
Children (age 5 & under): Free
Event T-shirts must be ordered by March 1, 2023. T-shirts are not available after March 1.
Registration forms are available now in the library or via Google: https://forms.gle/fvJx1JgVRMSw1Gga6
Payment in the library can be made with cash or check, the Google Form allows electronic payment.
8:15-8:45: Race Day registration and pre-registration T-shirt pick up
9am: 5K Run starts
9:15am: Fun Walk starts
Refreshments available after the 5K and Fun Walk!
If your business or organization is interested in sponsoring the Building Fun(d) 5K or Fun Walk, please contact Mary Grace Collier-Kisler at the library: 814-642-9210 or swsmith@swsmithlibrary.org. Businesses and organizations who donate $35 by March 1, 2023 will have their name printed on the back of the event T-shirt. Businesses and organizations may also opt to donate $15 as a student sponsorship to defer the cost of the event for a student who wishes to participate.
The red cardinal on the event logo is in memorial of Sue Rankin, beloved employee and Friend of the Library.