Potter County Farmers Market
The Farmers Market will be the first Saturday of each month until May, held in the Riley Gallery, next to the Crittenden, on Saturdays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm (NEW HOURS). The next market will be this Saturday, February 1st. Here is a list of who plans to be there and what they plan on bringing to the Market:
* Beginning in January the winter Farmers Market will be the first Saturday of each month until May. The Saturday dates are January 4, February 1, March 1, and April 5. In May, the market will again be on the square
* Market times have been established after many trial times over the years. If you are not able to visit us and would like something particular from one of the vendors, please contact them directly. They are willing to try to accommodate your request.
* If you are interested in joining the market this year or have any questions please contact …. Netra Baker, 814-598-0649 netrabaker2@gmail.com]
JULIE BENNETT is planning on being at the farmer’s market this week. I will have crochet washcloths and dish scrubbies. I have some new crochet stuffies as well. We will also have some earrings. I accept cash only. Thank you.
ME AND MY BOYS SOAP will be there on Saturday. We will have a selection of goat milk based products. We accept cash or card payments. For more information contact us at meandmyboyssoap@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page.
CARING CRAFTS will be attending this week’s Market! Weather Permitting! We will be bring a variety of Homemade Travel Pillows! Along with our Plastic Canvas Magnets/Ornaments! Our selection of both is very wide and unique! We have something for everyone! Don’t forget to like us Facebook! If your not able to stop by or would like to place an order please contact Jess at 814 203 2482! Caring Crafts excepts Cash or PayPal (cowgirl_jess16915@yahoo.com) payment! Hope to see everyone there!
CARD CREEK BAKERY will be at the market this Saturday February 1 from 11 to 2 at the Riley Center on Main Street, Coudersport. Please request what you would like to have at the market or between markets from me. Requests so far for this week include: Light whole wheat bread, Rye, Brown eggs, English muffins, Jams and jellies from local fruit, Any kind of sweet treat. Cell text or call 814-597-0649