Cameron County Chamber of Commerce Sinnemahone Trail Run
Cameron County will welcome trail runners from across the state on Saturday, October 21. The Sinnemahone Ultra Trail Run celebrates its 11th year with participants selecting a 50k, 25k, or 12k course. The course begins and ends in downtown Emporium at 7:30am winding through Elk State Forest trails.
Volunteers will man 7 aid stations providing water, and other items to the runners who have until 3:30 pm to check in at the final aid station. There is a 10-hour cutoff for the events. The K of C will provide a ham steak dinner to the finishers. Trail marking with engineering flags begins this week. If you see the pink, blue, or red flags or arrow signs, please do not move them.
Several times in the past, the arrows have been tampered with leading to runners taken off the course and in a few cases lost. Ridge Road will be marked reminding users that runners are on the road. Hunters reminded that more than 70 competitors will be in the Elk State Forest from 7:30 am-3:30 pm. Runners have been reminded to wear bright orange and t-shirts have been provided.
The trail run is the final leg of the Sinnemahone Triple Crown which began in April with the Canoe and Kayak Classic. Hansel Lucas from Brookville and Bobby Longenecker from Lititz are competing for the gold crown. Each selected the longest distances in the bike and trail run. There are eleven others competing for the silver crown including two parent child participants. Brice Major and his mom Juneann Travis from Emporium join Henry and Maribeth Beiler from Gratz in competing in all three events.
The event takes more than 30 volunteers and staff to host the event. Mountaineer Search & Rescue, Emporium Volunteer Fire Police, DCNR Forestry staff, chamber staff, and volunteers mark and man the aid stations during the day of the race, and then unmark the trail. Volunteers are encouraged to contact the chamber office.