Daniel E. “Dan” HALL, 80, of Wellsville, NY
Daniel E. “Dan” HALL, 80, of Wellsville, NY, died peacefully in his home on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, with his wife, Diane, by his side. Born in Detroit, MI, Dan was the second of five children. Surviving besides his wife, Diane, are: his brothers, Robert (Bea) Hall, Gregory (Marge) Hall, and Kenneth (Vicki) Hall; a sister, Deanna (John) Coyle; friend and former wife, Elsa Bekkala, who was also special to him. Dan cherished the young people in his life, including Diane’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren; his nephews and nieces; a Little Brother, Christopher; and two exchange students, Nat and Jung.
Dan was always a newsman. He started a short-lived neighborhood tabloid when he was ten years old. He was editor of his college newspaper. The majority of his career was with Gannett Newspapers, primarily in Rochester and primarily on the editorial pages. He finished his career at the Canandaigua Messenger Post, where he was editorial page editor.
William M. “Bill” Giltinan, 98, Of, Menno Haven Health Center, Chambersburg, PA.
William M. “Bill” Giltinan, 98, passed away peacefully on Wednesday morning, February 5, 2025, at Menno Haven Health Center, Chambersburg, PA., after spending 7 years at Village Square assisted living. He was born April 14, 1926, in Warren, PA. to the late Marcus and Alice Fagley Giltinan. Bill was a longtime resident of Warren, moving to Chambersburg, PA., to his daughter and family. Bill was a 1944 graduate of Warren High School. Bill was employed with GTE Sylvania as a die maker until his retirement in 1987. Bill met the love of his life at a Sylvania Company picnic. They were married on July 16, 1949. Jeanne preceded him in death on September 25, 2017.
After surviving polio as a child, Bill went on to live a very active life, becoming an avid hunter and fisherman. He was an active member of the Warren Council of the Knights of Columbus and Holy Redeemer Parish, while living in Warren. Bill and Jeanne enjoyed camping and spending their winters in Palm Bay, FL.
Dog missing in Turtlepoint
Dog missing in Turtlepoint- My brother and his family’s dog Finn took off following deer in the woods behind his house on Long Hollow Road in Turtlepoint on Monday, Feb 3rd around 5:30pm and hasn’t been seen since. It’s been 2 nights and his family is worried sick about him being lost and freezing. If anyone is willing to help search, please reach out to Michelle Causer, Hannah Causer, or Sarah Causer, or me to get Brian Causer’s number. My number is (814) 598-7717.
Please share this post and spread the word to those who don’t have Facebook.
Rolfe Beagle Club Starts Wetlands Improvement
Johnsonburg, Pa.: Jim Pennington, Jr., President of the Rolfe Beagle Club, and other club members are hoping that waterfowl, particularly mallards, will benefit from their latest habitat project at the club, installation of a mallard nesting box on their front wetland. “We meet for coffee on Sunday mornings, and then spend two hours doing something to benefit wildlife at the club,” said Jim. “This Sunday it was installation of a mallard nesting box,” finished Jim.
Tom Henry, the new Game Warden for western Elk County stopped by to meet club members last Sunday and he helped Bill Maiers, Ray Erich, JoAnn Schiafone, Jim Pennington, Jr., and Mary Hosmer install the new mallard nesting box. A nice benefit of Tom stopping by was the delivery of Operation Game Thief (OGT) orange hunting hats to the volunteers. Thank you, Tom.
Short course offers preparation for private pesticide applicator certification exams
Coudersport, Pa. — Prospective pesticide applicators can gain a foundation of knowledge about safe and proper handling and use of pesticides by attending the “Private Pesticide Applicator Exam Prep,” a Penn State Extension workshop aimed at those who may need to become certified private pesticide applicators to apply restricted-use pesticides on their farm or property.
The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 12 in Coudersport at the Penn State Extension Potter County office, 216 Gunzburger Building, 1 N. Main Street.
Pheasant hunters, don’t put away your gear just yet.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission will be releasing approximately 8,400 pheasants, mostly hens, to provide additional hunting recreation in the last two weeks of pheasant season, which runs through Feb. 28.
“The Game Commission purchases the pheasant chicks raised on our game farms from a private sector supplier,” said Wildlife Operations Division Chief Ian Gregg. “During the 2024 production season, we requested our supplier to raise additional pheasants to be held through the fall and early winter as an ‘insurance policy’ against any disease issues that might arise in the supplier’s primary breeder flocks. Although highly pathogenic avian influenza is known to be present on the Pennsylvania landscape, and it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of a future disease outbreak that could impact 2025 production, the primary breeder flocks have remained healthy to date and it is not feasible for the ‘backup’ birds to also be held into the upcoming breeding season. Therefore, these surplus pheasants will be released a few weeks before the end of the pheasant season to provide late-winter hunting opportunities.”
Releases are planned to occur during a two-day window next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 12 and Thursday, Feb. 13 at select locations in each of the Game Commission’s six regions. Hunters should be aware, however, that logistical issues could result in last-minute changes to the planned schedule.
The locations expected to receive birds in the February stocking are as follows:
Sally K. Drabert, 80, of Smethport, PA.
Sally K. Drabert, 80, of Smethport, passed away Wednesday (February 5, 2025) at UPMC-Cole, Coudersport.
She was born October 16, 1944 in Olean, NY, the daughter of Kenneth and Ida (Turner) Norton. She was married to Jack D. Drabert, who died in June of 1996.
Mrs. Drabert was a Port Allegany High School graduate and was house keeping supervisor at Charles Cole Memorial Hospital, Coudersport, PA.
Sally enjoyed spending time with her family.
His And Hers Bingo Feburary 8th At The Genesee Fire Dept.
to join us for our His and Her Bingo Fundraiser this Saturday,February 8th.
Doors open at 10:30am. Games start at Noon. People can buy tickets
at the door on Saturday.
Hebron Center Christian School Closed Today
Hebron Center Christian School is closed today February 6
Oswayo Valley Memorial Library Closed Today
Due to the weather, the Oswayo Valley Memorial Library will be closed today, Thursday February 6th
Coudersport Senior Center Closed Today
Coudersport Senior Center is Closed Thursday Feb 6th – no Home Delivery Meals Today.
Emma Ream holds Tamatoa, the crab character in Disney’s film “Moana.” Children can make Tamatoa to take home on Wednesday, Feb.12 during the “Moana” Sing-Along Event.
From 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. this coming Wednesday, Feb.12, youngsters ages 3 to 12 and their parents are invited to register for the “Moana” Sing-Along Event being held in the Coolidge Theatre at the Deane Center for the Performing Arts at 104 Main Street in Wellsboro. It’s free.
The first 50 youngsters to register at www.deanecenter.com/deanelittlebeansevents or by calling 570-724-6220 will be accepted for the program.
Children can make a craft to take home, sing and dance as they watch the film “Moana” and eat dinner with their parents. Pizza and beverages (soda and water) are on the menu.
UPMC Cardiologist: Early Signs of Heart Disease
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, yet many people miss its early warning signs. Some symptoms are subtle – recognizing them early can lead to earlier intervention, making treatment and management easier and more effective.
Common Early Symptoms
Heart disease doesn’t always begin with intense chest pain. Be aware of these signs:
REMINDER Boil Water Order for Village of Fredonia Water Customers
Reminder all Fredonia water customers, including those in the Town of Pomfret are still on a boil water order. You must boil all water used for cooking and drinking. There has been a disruption in the disinfection treatment, making the water not safe to drink. Bring all water used for drinking or cooking to a rolling boil, then cool before using. You will be notified when it is no longer necessary to boil water. For more information call the Village at 716-679-2307 or the County Health Department at 716-753-4481
During the Golden Afternoons program from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. next Tuesday, Feb. 11, Yolie Canales of Wellsboro will offer people attending the opportunity to do one of two different Valentine’s Day craft projects to take home.
This free program is open to anyone 55 years of age or older. It will be in the lobby at the Deane Center for the Performing Arts at 104 Main Street in Wellsboro. There will be free refreshments.
The fun and easy take-home projects are decorating a small jelly jar to hold Valentine’s Day candy or a four- by six-inch frame to hold a special photo or Valentine’s Day card. All materials will be provided free, including the jelly jar, frame, stickers and other decorations.
Attendees are asked to bring glue guns with them from home. “We will have some available but we may need more,” Canales said.
For more information about this Golden Afternoons program call the Deane Center at 570-724-6220.
Tickets are available for the last three concerts of the Wellsboro Community Concert Association’s 76th Season.
The concerts are: The House of Hamill performing “upcycled Celtic folk and vintage vibes with a modern message” next Saturday, Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m.; “the award-winning Gaelic supergroup” Dàimh on Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m.; and The EG Kight Trio singing a blend of “country flavored southern fried blues” on Saturday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m.
Winter Jam at PAES
Winter Jam, sponsored by the PAES Boosters was held Friday night at the school. Pictured at the photo booth are Ryder Trimm, Sadie Rounsville, Alyce Booth, Amelia Sanchez, Kiersten Freer, Carrie Lee, Lucille Andreano and Emma Smith. The event, sponsored by the Elementary Boosters, was a big hit with the 5th and 6th grade students.
PennDOT to Host ‘REAL ID Day’ February 10 at Clearfield Driver License Center
Getting Customer Service Done: PennDOT to Host ‘REAL ID Day’ on February 10 at Clearfield Driver License Center
Clearfield, PA – To help ensure Pennsylvanians are prepared for the upcoming federal REAL ID enforcement deadline of May 7, 2025, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that it will hold special REAL ID service hours at its Clearfield Driver License Center at 1800 Daisy Street Suite 380, Clearfield on February 10, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Souper Bowl of Caring
As they have for many years, the Port Allegany United Methodist Church is collecting cans of soup and boxes of crackers as well as monetary donations as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Stop by the Port Allegany Shop n Save Friday after school until 6 p.m. or Saturday morning from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. to make your donations. The food and cash donations will be given to PACS (Port Allegany Community Services).
The Souper Bowl of Caring collection at UMC is under the direction of Patty Fabish. The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement across the nation working together to fight hunger and poverty in their communities around the time of the Super Bowl football game.
The Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 with a simple prayer said by Reverend Brad Smith at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina: Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without even a bowl of soup to eat.
Don’t You Remember?
B.J. Knefley
When the women arrived at the tomb of Jesus, they found the stone rolled away, and his body wasn’t there. Confused and bewildered, they couldn’t imagine what had happened. Suddenly, two men appeared in dazzling robes. The men asked them, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you…?” (Luke 24:1-7)
Why do we so easily forget? When trouble comes, discouragement and fear often set in. Hope and faith that we once walked in suddenly escape our grasp, and we’re left trying to figure out for ourselves what our next move will be.
Port Allegany School District 3 Hour Delay due to incoming weather.
Port Allegany High School:
Doors open at 10:45am
School Starts 11:00am
Port Allegany Elementary School:
Doors Open at 10:45am
School Starts at 11:10am
Lunches WILL be served.
Staff report at 10:30am
Coudersport Area School District Will Have a 2 Hour Delay
Coudersport Area School District will operate on a two hour delay tomorrow, Thursday, February 6.
William M. Giltinan, 99, of Chambersburg, PA., formerly of Warren, PA.
William Giltinan
William M. Giltinan, 99, of Chambersburg, PA., formerly of Warren, PA., died peacefully Wednesday morning, February 5, 2025, at his residence.
Visitation will be held Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Holy Redeemer Church, 11 Russell St., Warren, PA., from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M.
A complete obituary will be announced when available through the Donald E. Lewis Funeral Home, inc., Warren, PA.