Eleanor Rowland Johnson, 90
Eleanor R. Johnson
Eleanor Rowland Johnson was born in Lander on October 1, 1934, to the late Paul Clark Rowland and Bertha Wenzel Rowland. After graduating from Sugar Grove-Farmington High School in 1952, she worked in the Correspondence Department at the New Process Company for several years. She and her husband, Darrell Johnson, purchased what became known as Dar-El Farm in 1962 where they operated a Holstein dairy farm.
She was an active member of the Akeley Christian Fellowship Church for over 60 years and held many offices. She was a member and past president of the Akeley United Methodist Women. She also attended the Warren County Christian Women’s Club.
She served as secretary-treasurer of the Warren County Farmer’s Association and served on the board of directors of the Warren County Cooperative Extension. She was a past president of the Hill and Dale Garden Club.
A descendant of William Wadsworth who came from England in 1632. She was active in the Kanoagoa Chapter Daughters of the American Colonists and served many years as Regent.