Poll Workers Needed In Oswayo Twp.

MEGA BRIDAL BLOWOUT SALE!! Over 100 Bridal Gowns, many NWT. Racks of $50, $100 and $150. Other 25% to 50% off. Sizes 0-30.. Sale dates November 1- December 20. Sew Much More 127 North Main Street, Coudersport, PA. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5; Wednesday 9-3. Or by appointment. 814-335-8681 Hurry in for best selection.
On November 1, at 9:33 Fox Twp. was dispatched for a two vehicle crash at 233 Fairview Ln. vehicles are in the roadway with possibly no injuries.
Opportunities Abound
Pastor B.J. Knefley
Life is full of opportunities, but do we recognize them? Does an optimist see opportunities the same way a pessimist does? Does one see an obstacle while the other a door? Reality says we don’t see things the same way. I’ve said this before but perhaps we need to hear it again; for some, life happens to them, while others see life as happening for them. Perspective is always the deciding factor and for that we come down to choices.
In the Book of Acts, Peter saw his opportunity to speak to the crowd about the man that was now able to walk. Seeing the opportunity was only part of the response as he also had to go through the door that it provided. Choosing to address the people he explained what had happened and who’s power caused it. Because of Peter’s choice of utilizing the opportunity that was placed before him, the lives of over 3000 people were changed. Peter was used mightily in God’s redemptive plan.
How one addresses opportunities that present themselves has much to do with the heart. Judas saw an opportunity to betray Jesus. Peter saw an opportunity to share Jesus. Both seized upon an opportunity, but each had a different reason. Again, our response will always be led by the condition of our heart.
Many have heard or seen, “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.” some may even have it hanging in their homes. It comes from Joshua 24:15 and it describes a heart attitude about life and how it’s going to be lived. Perhaps it could be said that opportunities that come will be viewed through the lens of “service to the Lord.”
Finally, opportunities can be created by the adventurous. This past Saturday I called my youngest daughter and asked when breakfast was. To make the story short, that call resulted in 14 family members showing up for breakfast. It was a fabulous time of laughter and conversation that went on for three hours, just because we created the opportunity. Think about it.
On November 1, at 7:39 am Shinglehouse Fire and Ambulance were dispatched to Butter St. and Honeoye St for a car into a tree crash with unknown injuries.