The regular meeting of the Galeton Borough Authority was held this date with the following members present: Tony Adami, Joe Cimino, Mike Brown and Todd Parsell. Not present was Tom Smith.
Chairman Adami called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM followed by the Pledge to the Flag.
A motion was made by Joe Cimino, seconded by Todd Parsell approving the minutes of the 2/6/24 meeting as presented. All were in favor, motion carried.
At previous meetings we discussed with our engineer so need to update our Drought Ordinance to go with our upgraded water plant instead of measuring the water in the old reservoirs. Shawn presented an amendment to our Drought ordinance with new triggers for each stage of Drought Contingency plan that works with our system. He had reviewed these with Joe.
Mike Plummer is going to draft an amendment for Council to approve at their next meeting.
Joe told the Authority that the slow sand filter beds are going to need new sand. The levels are getting low. He said the next time the beds are cleaned is probably when the sand is going to be needed. He is going to check to see if we can purchase it at the same place in Ohio.
It was noted that the Notice to Proceeds have been issued to the two contractors doing the WWTP plant upgrade. The pre-construction meeting is March 13th at 10:00 AM.
The PennVest closing took place and now the grant is in place ready to begin drawdowns as soon as construction begins.
Joe told the Authority that he had an electrician up to the water plant to replace the outside lights.
Tony said that we are waiting for quotes for the Wetmore Road repair.
A discussion was held on vacant and unoccupied properties in the winter season. Beginning next winter, if residents are vacating their property for 7 days or more they MUST inform the Borough Office and at that time must decide whether to have the water shut off and back on when they return at a cost of $100.00 or leave the water on and be responsible for paying for any water loss if the meter and/or pipes should freeze while vacant. If the meter should freeze and the water cannot run through it, then there will be a formula to decide how much wasted water there was and the cost of it to the property owner.
A motion was made by Mike Brown, seconded by Joe Cimino to adjourn. All were in favor, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:08 PM