Coudersport to North hollow Rd.
On January 5 at 8:58 pm Coudersport Ambulance was dispatched to North Hollow Rd. for difficulty breathing
On January 5 at 8:58 pm Coudersport Ambulance was dispatched to North Hollow Rd. for difficulty breathing
On January 5 at 8:26 Shinglehouse Fire Dept. to 1788 Rt. 44 South for a structure fire flames showing
On January 5 at 7:55 pm Smethport Fire Dept. was dispatched to 15475 Rt. in Keating Twp. for an electrical fire at a residence
Jason Eric McCallum, born July 24 1976, passed away on January 1st, 2024 in the comfort of his own home in Addison, New York.
Son of Kathy and Carlton (Butch) Davis and John and Cora McCallum, Jason spent 47 years (569 months) by the side of his family and friends. He always selflessly helped anyone and everyone he could.
Jason enjoyed creating joyous memories through laughing, making jokes, listening to music, and hosting bonfires and parties. He enjoyed spending his free-time grilling and smoking various meats to enjoy with his family on his Traeger grill while sipping an ice cold Budweiser, as well as collecting coins, and old war memorabilia.
He cared for and found a lifelong companionship in his “mans best friend” June. Only adding to the pack and his love with his 3 other dogs. Above all else Jason loved spending time with “his girls”, his wife Charlotte, daughters Abagail and Emily, and granddaughter Isabella.
At 7:25 PM on Friday, Austin Ambulance has been called to Costello Avenue for a woman ill.
At 7:25 PM on Friday, Coudersport ambulance has been called to Sweden Valley Manor for a man ill.
At 7:23 PM on Friday, Allentown, Scio, Alma, Bolivar & Wellsville have been dispatched to a shed fire with exposures at 1892 Petrolia Road.
7:31 PM–Multiple structures now involved including a house.
Mark J. Viola, 65, of 181 Summer Street, Bradford, PA passed away Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at the Bradford Regional Medical Center.
Born January 28, 1958, in Bradford, he was the son of the late Henry M. and Marie Stella (Crupi) Viola.
He was a 1976 graduate of Bradford Central Christian High School.
On July 28, 1990, in First United Methodist Church he married Stephanie (Cornelius) Viola who survives.
Mark was a member of St. Bernard Church and the Italian Club.
Vi was employed by Coca Cola, later he worked for Dom Piganelli, at Always Green Landscaping. In 1992 he acquired the family business from his Uncle Joe Viola, Viola’s Restaurant on Brennan Street in the 5th Ward, a family business operated by the Viola family for three generations. Mark retired in June 2022, after owning the Restaurant for nearly 30 years.
George L. Songer, 88, formerly of Abbott Road, Bradford, PA passed away Thursday, January 4, 2024, at Chapel Ridge.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by the Hollenbeck-Cahill Funeral Homes Inc.
Online condolences may be expressed at
Daughter, Mother, Grandmother
Susan J. Ward, 63, of Wellsville New York, and a former Cuba resident, passed away Wednesday, January 3, 2023 at Wellsville Manor Care Center.
Born on October 4, 1960, in Cuba, she was a daughter of Richard and Marilyn Wells Abramowicz.
Sue was a graduate of Cuba Central School Class of 1978. She worked as a bartender and in customer service all of her life. She loved people and her greatest accomplishment was to be a good friend.
She will be remembered for always being helpful and living by the slogan “Life is what you make it.” She enjoyed watching NASCAR and the times she attended in person at Watkins Glen.
At 6:29 PM on Friday, Mansfield Fire Dept. has been dispatched to set up a landing zone for air medical that is responding for a victim of a gunshot wound to the chest.
7724 Banks Rd., Pike
Building on Fire w/Exposures
2nd Alarm: Castile all to scene, Silver Springs 1 fill in at Castile
Pike 5-01 and 5-02 en route 18:07
Centerville and Fillmore now starting
5-02 on location 18:09 with a 30×50 barn on fire, requesting 3rd Alarm with Tanker Task Forces 1 & 2 to the scene along with Bliss, also requesting 2 fill sites to be established
3rd Alarm: Bliss 3 & 6, Gainesville 1 & 7 to scene
Silver Springs 2 en route 18:11
At 3:21 PM on Friday, Coudersport ambulance has been called to Mapleview Lane for a finger laceration.
Adam L. Simzer (41) was last seen in the vicinity of West Main Street in the Village of Cuba on January 4th, 2024 at approximately 9:20 pm after escaping custody during an arraignment meeting with his public defender.
Simzer was wearing a green shirt and grey hooded sweatshirt. Simzer is not believed to be armed or a danger to the general public.
Simzer was arrested for harassment and criminal contempt charges. A new warrant has now been issued for Escape 2nd.
If you see Simzer, do not approach him and contact your local law enforcement agency. If you have information on his whereabouts, you can contact our office at 585-968-1666 or send an email to
DESCRIPTION: * WHAT…Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6
* WHERE…Allegany county.
* WHEN…From 1 PM Saturday to 4 AM EST Sunday. The majority of
the snowfall and greatest impact on travel will be mid afternoon
through evening on Saturday.
* IMPACTS…Plan on snow covered and slippery road conditions
along with reduced visibility.
INSTRUCTIONS: Periods of snow will result in snow covered roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving.
Submit snow reports through our website or social media.
Issued By: NWS Buffalo NY
The End-of-Year Meeting was called to order by Chairman Anthony Plants at 4:00 PM.
Minutes of the previous meeting of 5 December 2023 reviewed. Motion made by Supervisor Anthony Plants to accept as read, 2nd by Supervisor Greg Maxson, , 3rd by Supervisor Jeffery Moyer – motion carried.
Ceres Township 2024 Budget discussed, and voted on – Supervisors agreed that the budget was reasonable – all voted yes – motion carried
Update on Solar Field installed in Ceres Township. The Ceres Township Board of Supervisors urges anyone who has an opinion as to the installation of Solar Fields in the Township, to attend the next meeting of the Oswayo Valley Board of Education. The meeting will be held at the Oswayo Valley Elementary School on January 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
Roadmaster Jeff Moyer that they have been cleaning ditches, and servicing Backhoe 21I cutting edge.
Supervisors had no comments
Residents had no comment
The following roads are bonded in Ceres Township:
Newell Creek from township Line to Stuckey Lane – Northwest Export
Coon Crossing – RAM Forest
BILLS REVIEWED – Motion made by Supervisor Anthony Plants to pay bills, 2nd by Supervisor Greg Maxson, 3rd by Supervisor Jeff Moyer – motion carried.
The next meeting will be the Organizational Meeting on 2 January 2024 at 5:00 PM, followed by the first Regular Meeting 0f 2024. The Auditors’ Meeting will be held on 3 January 2024 at 6:00 PM. All meetings will be held at 12 Barbertown Road in Ceres Township.
Motion to adjourn made by Supervisor Anthony Plants, 2nd by Supervisor Greg Maxson, 3rd by Supervisor Jeff Moyer – motion carried.
Those present:
Supervisors – 3 Anthony Plants, Greg Maxson, Jeffery Moyer
Secretary/Treasurer – 1 Larry Miller
Residents/Attendees – None
Respectfully Submitted
Larry Miller, Secretary/Treasurer
Introduction to Microsoft Word (Word I) is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the basic features and functionalities of Microsoft Word. Throughout the class, you will learn how to create, edit, and format documents using various tools and techniques, such as the Quick Access toolbar, the Format Painter, and the Spelling and Grammar Checker.
Pastor B.J. Knefley
Are you intentional? What about your relationships, exercise, work, leisure, or? Are you intentional about anything, or are you like many just muddling through life haphazardly? Are you intentional about your faith? Do you have any? How would you answer these questions and many more relating to intentionality?
I suppose that intentionality relates to goals and objectives. For those who make New Year’s resolutions they are intentionally making plans to accomplish specific things over the new year. Sadly, many of those plans quickly evaporate within a few short days or weeks. Is it because a goal without a plan is just a wish. Can it also be said that a goal without intentionality is but a wish?
Over the years I have learned that I can’t do things by myself. I, like many, need encouragement. Often to pursue things with intentionality involves engagement with others in this same pursuit. I need others in my life to help me during those times when I feel like giving up, or I just don’t feel like doing it at all. For example, I had a cycling partner that was a stronger rider than I was. As we rode, he would always ride slightly ahead making me ride harder and faster to keep up. In the end it made me a stronger rider. Because I was stronger at running than I was at cycling I would also run slightly ahead of other runners who were trying to improve. Interestingly when we’re too far ahead we discourage those trying to keep up, but when we’re just a hair in front, the desire to overcome becomes a greater challenge.
The writer of the Book of Hebrews speaks of running the race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1-13). In other words, be intentional about this race we call life that is in front of you. Be intentional in your relationships both in the physical and spiritual realms. Don’t live a life of trying to catch up but rather live it in a manner that is reaching for that which is in front and not behind. You’ll be surprised that a fulfilled life is a happy life. Think about it.
A reminder to all of our customers. Starting this week, we will only be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday for our winter hours until March.
At the regular meeting of the Star Hose Company last evening, the following officers were elected for 2024:
Fire Chief: Mike Johnson
Deputy Chief: Kevin Ernst
Assistant Chief: Andrew Johnson
Company Officers: Alex Johnson, Nate Burgett
Fire Police Captain: Nancy Hardes
President: Caleb Benson
Vice-president: Travis Rankin
Secretary: Matt Guncheon
Treasurer: Tom Johnson
Financial Secretary: Mike Johnson
I was a journalist most of my life. For good or bad, it’s become part of who I am.
The job teaches you all things about government, for starters. You cover meetings but also have to pry answers out of recalcitrant politicians about things like, for instance, a tax increase. You then have to know about millage, public opinion, and people on a “fixed income.”
You also learn about the oil industry, how to make leek dip, criminals, the history of Bradford, and about a young man dying of cancer linked to asbestos. It teaches you a disturbing amount about human nature.
It’s a hard job, but it ends up teaching you things like integrity, honesty, and bravery. (And grammar, spelling and punctuation.)
Who knew it might also be perfect training to be a county commissioner?
Mildred G. “Millie” Olmstead, 99, of Elk Haven Nursing Home, St. Marys and formerly of Fairview Avenue, Johnsonburg, PA passed away early Thursday morning, January 4, 2024 at Penn Highlands-Elk following a brief illness.
She was born on November 24, 1924 in Butler, PA a daughter to the late Francis and Irene Burns Angert. On June 10, 1944 in Butler, she married Maurice A. Olmstead. He preceded her in death on July 16, 2017.
Raised in Butler, Millie was a graduate of Butler High School and she and Maurice lived in Butler after their marriage until 1951. After moving to Johnsonburg and working other jobs, alongside her husband, they opened Olmstead’s Hardware and Olmstead’s Plumbing and Heating and operated it out of the storefront on Market Street until their retirement in 1996.
At 10:30 AM on Friday, Shinglehouse ambulance has been called for a lift assist on North Union Street at Honeoye Haven.
“beloved husband, father, and grandfather”
HEBRON CENTER, PA—James Frederick VanHorn passed away surrounded by his family in UPMC Cole, Coudersport, on Thursday, January 4, 2024.
James was born on Sunday, September 17, 1950, a son of Raymond Arthur and Grace Evelyn Burrows VanHorn. On July 20, 1974 in Keating Summit, he married Starlette Haight, who survives.
Jim was employed at Pittsburgh Corning in Port Allegany for close to 40 years. He owned and operated his own garage and towing company, J & S Auto in Sweden Valley, for years where he enjoyed meeting and talking with people.
Jim was known for his good humor, tinkering in his garage with anything mechanical. He shared his love of outdoors and horses with his wife of nearly 50 years. He also loved visiting with family and his grandchildren.
On January 4 at 11:44 Kersey was dispatched for a smoke alarm at the Fox Twp. elementary school. Update false alarm
On January 4 at 11:33 pm Rew, Hilltop, and Bradford Twp. Fire Depts. were dispatched to 1141 Summit Rd. for an attic fire
Thomas E. Hayden, 73, of Emporium, PA passed away at Penn Highlands DuBois, DuBois, PA on Tuesday morning (January 2, 2024). He was born December 5, 1950 in St. Marys, PA a son of the late Edward L. and Marie Shores Hayden.
Tom graduated from Cameron County High School in the class of 1968. He retired from Pro America Premium Tools, where he served as the Emporium plant manager for many years.
Tom loved baseball (playing, coaching, umpiring, and watching), and he golfed as much as he possibly could. He was known for his humor, generosity, kindness, musical ability, dedication and mentorship to the athletes of Cameron County, story-telling, and his love for all things Emporium and Cameron County, Tom will be greatly missed. We are comforted that his faith was strong and that he has, indeed, gone Home.