Library Dinner Auction Success!

Lights! Camera! Action! was the theme of the 2023 S. W. Smith Memorial Public Library Dinner Auction held recently in the Star Hose Company Banquet Room. The event featured great food with appetizers provided by the Port Allegany Women’s Club, dinner catered by Eddie’s on Main and decadent desserts by Cindy Knapp. Dave Whipkey served as bartender, Alex Cole of Argenteri Brothers provided musical entertainment and Scott from Amundson’s Auctions served as auctioneer. Student volunteers Alayna Corey, Braylon Button, Juuso Young, Saxon Palmer, Levi Wilfong, Henry Kisler, Micah Emerick, Owen Kisler, Miska Young, Peyton Stiles, Alex Schott, Madison Fillhart, Aidan Clark and recent graduate Mikya Stake helped with games, bussed tables and assisted with the live, silent and bucket auctions. Collin Stuckey served as paparazzi for the star-studded event. The Library Dinner Auction was a huge success once again thanks to the generous donations of the community and the hard work of those mentioned above and the Library Dinner Auction Committee. Gross profit for the 2023 event was $37,755 with donations still coming.