No Charges To Be Filed Following Investigation In Roulette Twp.

On September 1 at 9:28 am Wellsboro fire and ambulance were dispatched to 117 Whitneyville Rd. for a motor vehicle accident. Patient trapped under the vehicle. Patient is no longer trapped.
The Potter County Artisan Co-op in Coudersport is planning several classes over the next few weeks.
Basket-weaver, Catherine Snyder, will guide students to make a ‘Floor Basket’ (choice of toy box, waste basket or blanket basket) on Saturday, September 7 starting at 4:00 pm. Cost is $45.00 or $70.00 depending on choice of basket. Different handle choices and a variety of colorful hand-dyed reeds are also available. Bring a beverage and lunch or snacks.
Textile artist, Lee Trayer, is teaching a Beginner to Intermediate Knitting Class to run two Saturdays, September 9 and 16, 2023 from 10:00am-12:00pm. Both sessions and materials (yarn and needles) included in the price of $40.00.
Cathy Snyder will also be conducting a Forager/Hiker basket class on Saturday, September 16, 2023, 9:00am-3:00pm. Price of the class is $70.00 or $75.00 depending on the choice of basket. Materials are provided, including a variety of hand-dyed reed. Students are welcome to bring a beverage and lunch or a snack.
Artist, Laurie Angood, will teach a ‘Young Artisan’ class (Grades 2-6) on Tuesday, September 19 from 3:00-4:30 pm. Students will complete a ‘Squeegee Painting’ of colorful cats and pumpkins. Cost is $20.00. All materials and snack are provided.
Artist, Laurie Angood, will also teach an Adult Painting Class on Saturday, September 23, from 1:00-3:00 pm. Students will complete a fantasy mushroom painting. Cost is $30.00. All materials are provided.
To register for these classes, please call the center at 814-274-8165. The co-op is located at 227 N. Main Street and is open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Saturday.
“Have a blessing, leave it. Need a blessing, take it. Above all, be blessed!” That’s the message on a Blessing Box that was installed this summer at Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran Church located at 205 Arnold Avenue, Port Allegany. The Blessing Box idea was brought to light by Carol Christensen, handcrafted by church member Allen Kelin and installed by church members. The Blessing Box is filled with items – mostly food – that people might need. Although it’s in front of the church, it is for the entire community to use. If people need something, they can just help themselves. If they are able, they may contribute items. The box is basically for nonperishable items such as canned goods, boxed dinners, paper products and personal hygiene items. The Blessing Box is a community outreach to support those in need. The box was installed by Bill and Will John, along with Allen Klein (pictured) who built the box.
The Potter County Farmers Market will be outdoors on the square across from the county jail, every Friday from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The next market will be this Friday, September 1st. Below is a list of who plans to be there and what they plan on bringing to the Market:
* Market times have been established after many trial times over the years. If you are not able to visit us and would like something particular from one of the vendors, please contact them directly. They are willing to try to accommodate your request.
* If you are interested in joining the market this year or have any questions please contact …. Netra Baker, 814-544-7313]
CARD CREEK BAKERY will be at the Farmers Market this week with artisan breads, corn muffins, sweet breads, and sweet treats that you have requested. Fresh brown eggs will be in the cooler. If you want to contact me please don’t hesitate. 814-544-7313
The Simple Things
Pastor B.J. Knefley
We often look for the big things of life for meaning. Marriage, the birth of a child, a new home or job are often at the top of our list of important life events. But are they?
This past week I’ve had a couple of events that have caused me to pause and it’s these types of things that often make us wonder. The events are not huge in the scheme of life, but nevertheless important and perhaps even more heartwarming than the bigger things that we often think of as being significant.
In the Book of I Kings chapter 19 is the story of Elijah. As the story goes Elijah, after having a great experience with the power of God, runs away and hides in a cave. Wanting to hear from God and experience His presence he emerges each time he things he hears what might be God. But it wasn’t the earthquake, or in the fire, but rather a quiet whisper. The same is true for us. We want God to speak loudly and clearly but He doesn’t. Instead, He will often use the simple things of life to speak. Perhaps a voice of a child, or a chance encounter or just a simple event of the day. It’s in those moments that we need to take the time to pause and reflect. Was that God? When you think about it, why wouldn’t it be?
When you consider that God is interested in the simple things of life one would conclude that He must be interested in us as well, (Matthew 6:25-34). Remember that he cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. How much more valuable than these are you and I? That passage reminds us not to be anxious about the things of life, but we do don’t we. Perhaps that’s why He desires to communicate through the simple things of life rather than the big moments. It will often happen in the quiet of the moment when you suddenly become aware. Some have said it was like the passing of the wind that was there, and then gone, but it caused them to pause. Perhaps today is the day for you to pause and explore the simple things. Think about it.