Liberty Township, McKean County
Route 155 Building
July 13, 2023
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Liberty Township was called to order at 8:30 A.M. by Chairman Dick Brown, Supervisor Neil Shepard, Secretary Cindy Speeth and Harry Fleming were present.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was recited by all.
1. Ambulance Report for June, 2023 was presented and there were 9 calls for Liberty Township.
2. Fire report for June, 2023 was presented and there was 1 call for Liberty Township.
3. Secretary’s Report for June 8, 2023 was presented and unanimously
accepted on a motion by Supervisor Shepard and a second by Chairman Brown.
4. Treasurer’s Report for the month of July, 2023 was presented and
unanimously accepted on a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by
Chairman Brown. Chairman Brown stated that in the General Fund there were bills paid in the amount of $216,306.61, revenues received in the amount of $66,112.31 and a balance of $78,754.90. In the State Fund there were bills paid in the amount of $90,037.01, revenues received in the amount of $0 and a balance of $110,499.34.
1. The County Liquid Fuel Application in the amount of $7296.09 was presented and signed on a motion by Supervisor Shepard and a second by Chairman Brown. Chairman Brown said the money will be used in connection with the work performed on Coleman Mills Road. The township used 1580 tons of 19MM and 1100 tons of 9.5MM. The blacktop cost $93,000 and the 2a purchased on June 9, June 22 and June30 cost $10,883. The township has already received a grant of $48,637 from the McKean County Commissioners that also went towards the cost of the work performed. The township would like to thank Brent McKervey, Cale Daniels and Leon Green for allowing the township to pile 2a on their property while they bermed Coleman Mills and Two Mile Roads.
Chairman Brown stated that the township is still waiting for the permits from the state on the bridge project.
Chairman Brown said that the township cashed the A&O bond for the damage they did to Open Brook Road and the township repaved the road. We also paved part of Pump Station Road. Chairman Brown said they would think about paving the rest of Pump Station Road. It would cost approximately $9,000 to finish it.
Chairman Brown said soon we will be satisfying our obligation to Roulette Township by furnishing the guys and machinery to blacktop 1200 feet of Lannager Creek Road.
Harry Fleming came to the meeting and stated that Mark Bressan had called the township complaining that his sluice was plugged – which was untrue – Mark Bressan never called about his sluice. When Chairman Brown checked the sluices after the meeting neither of the sluices were plugged. Chairman Brown had stopped at Harry Fleming’s and offered to take him up and show him that the sluices weren’t plugged, but he refused. As far as what his son is putting on facebook, the picture shows that the water is not running down the road it is running beside the road and if the son could read, he would know from the minutes of last month’s meeting that we paved Coleman Mills Road, Two Mile Road and Comes Creek Road saving the taxpayers $473,000 compared to the $102 per year Mr. Fleming pays Liberty Township in property taxes. Mr. Fleming also complained that there are humps in the road causing the snowplow to “tip to the side (right) and catch his driveway” and he has to repair it 2 or 3 times a year. In order to take care of this problem we will take our grader and put the road back to dirt, add 2a, grade it and use the vibratory roller on it. We will also cut the berms to 16 ½ feet from the center of the road and ditch it.
As no further business was brought before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:55 a.m. on a motion by Supervisor Shepard and a second by Chairman Brown.
FOLLOW UP after the 7/13/23 meeting. Chairman Brown talked to Steve Woodruff and he said he has lived in his house for 30 years and there has never been a ditch on his side of the road and he doesn’t want one. There is no problem with the water. Carl Evens has a sluice at the lower end of his property and he wants it left there because he and Harry Fleming use the sluice to get onto the neighbor’s property to mow. The sluice is open and handling the water. He didn’t care if we want to ditch in front of the sluice. Chairman Brown went up and checked Mark Bressan’s sluice that Harry Fleming had complained about – neither sluice was plugged. The only water washing down comes from Mark Bressan’s driveway way at the top. Chairman Brown stopped and offered to take Harry Fleming up to look at it, but he refused.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lucinda Speeth
Secretary/ Treasurer