February 2023
Galeton Pennsylvania January Weather Report
January 2023 was a very mild month. According to Weather World temperatures were 10 to 15 degrees below average. We did not have a below zero reading for the month. Last January we had below zero readings several mornings. This year the morning temperature readings were in the 30’s and mid teens, On January 3 and 4 it reached 40 and 45 degrees. The lowest I recorded was 14 degrees and the 16th. The average high is 29 degrees and the average low is 13 degrees.
This January we received 3.19″ of rain and melted snow. Last year the reading was 2.1″ The snowfall total was 8″ and last year it was 18″.
We had 1″ or more snow on the ground for 9 days. We measured 4.6″ on the 23rd for the highest reading. We had 6 foggy mornings and ice glaze on one morning.
It will be interesting to see if we will catch up with snowfall and cold temperatures in February and March. Don’t put the snowplows away yet and for those who still use shovels keep them ready too.