1400 Toys & Gifts For Potter County Children Donated Via “Gift of Memory Program”
Kevin and Patty Dusenbury, of the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home, Shinglehouse, are grateful for the extreme generosity of many donors to their Gift of Memory program again this year. Toys and gifts in excess of 1400 items were delivered to the Christmas House in Coudersport, marking the 23rd year of the program.
Delivering the toys were Kevin and Patty and the Klesa family, who have graciously embraced the Gift of Memory program to honor their son and brother, Jon, having themselves brought almost 500 gifts and toys donated by their family and friends this year.
Dusenbury said, “We have donors from the first year that continue to donate and new donors every year. We had several donors who contributed very generous amounts of money which allowed us to shop for specific needs to purchase items for the older children”.
Dusenbury, who is the owner and funeral director of the Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home in Shinglehouse and the Potter County Coroner stated, “we are once again amazed by the generosity of so many people. As we have done the last three years, we started collecting gifts early at the request of the Christmas House. We truly THANK each person who donated, assuring that many less fortunate individuals and families will have a brighter and happier Christmas. We wish everyone a beautiful, blessed and very Merry Christmas.”
Pictured with this year’s gifts are the Klesa family, volunteers from the Christmas House, and Kevin Dusenbury.
The following donated toys and gifts in memory of their loved ones:
In memory of William and Theo Dickerson from Karl and Ronda Dickerson
In memory of John and Kay Press and Grant and Jean Wisel from John J. Press
In memory of Doug and Deloris Evingham from Jane Perkins
In memory of Dale Saulter and Donald Chappell from Chelsea Saulter
In memory of Evelyn “Nanny” Allen, Marlene Kromar and Kevin Kohn from Walter and Colleen Ramsey
In memory of Jordan Whitsell Howard from Loved Ones
In memory of Alex Phillips from Loved Ones
In memory of Cindy Siebert from Sandy Walmer
In memory of Heather Siebert-Baker from Sandy Walmer
In memory of Carol Clower from Thomas and Sandy Walmer
In memory of Bob and Betty Barger, Pat Raven, Bernice and Manford Dusenbury, and Jim and Gloria Taylor from Kathryn, Rob, Brody, and Gwynne Barger
In memory of Jeannette Gross from Penny Thomas
In memory of Bob and Deb Sherwood from Kristy, Dustin, Makenzie, and Mason Good and Dick Sherwood
In memory of Jean Lewis and Sam and Viola Stiver from Brad and Beth Lewis
In memory of June Boyd and Brad Mason from Wayne and Brenda Varga
In memory of Phillip Warriner from Rick and Marla Warriner
In memory of Thomas “Tim” and Gertrude “Fritz” Traska and Barbara Adams from Tami and Larry Adams
In memory of Albin and Betty Danielson and Martin and Frani Tarbell from Mike and Deb Tarbell
In memory of loved ones from Kevin Jr. and Nicole Dusenbury
In memory of Douglas Perry, Juanita Perry, Kenneth Perry, Myra Bledsoe and Harold Bledsoe from Paul and Pat Perry
In memory of Clayton and Freda Reed and Sandy Goodenough from Kim and Ed Goodenough
In memory of Keith Pratt, William Riedmiller, Chad Prince, and Larry Bump from Deb Hadden
In memory of Charles Harris and family from Tina Harris
In memory of John and Zita Minderler from their Children
In memory of Clyde Eck, Jr. from Tina Rader
In memory of Don Rader from Tina Rader
In memory of George Rader from Tina Rader
In memory of Grace Peterson from Thomas Duell
In memory of Clyde Eck, Jr. from Louise Setzer
In memory of Fay Kio from Tiffany Cunningham
In memory of Trenton Miller from Kenneth and Kari Miller
In memory of Trenton Miller from Perry and Lisa Kinney
In memory of Ashley Kinney from Perry and Lisa Kinney
In memory of Family and Friends from Keith and Pam Learn
In memory of Loved Ones from Roger and Dee Prince
In memory of Milford and Tootie Clark and Gary Sturdevant from Terry and Linda Sturdevant
In memory of James H. and Ellamay S. Campbell and David J. Darby from Christine and Curtis Campbell
In memory of Dave Brabham and Ed, Ginger and Denny Sturdevant from Bev Brabham and Family
In memory of Ann Mix from Betsey Kemp
In memory of Milt and Barb Landes from Emily Rathbun
In memory of Ron Worden from Clinton and Tracy Burrows
In memory of Loved Ones from the Daughenbaugh’s
In memory of Sue Kerr from Loved Ones
In memory of Carol Karr from Kendal Karr, Kara Karr, and Grandkids
In memory of Mel Rathbun from Grandkids and Great-Grandkids
In memory of Tony and Emma Petrosewitz and Ted and Joyce Wichert from Kent and Lisa Wichert and Family
In memory of Margaret Karr and Daniel Karr from Steve and Sue Brabham
In memory of George Brabham and Pearl Brabham from John and Amy Turek
In memory of Bud Slocum from Carolyn Slocum
In memory of Leo Haight from Jim and Dee Klesa and family
In memory of Bernice and Manford Dusenbury and Jim and Gloria Taylor from Kevin and Patty Dusenbury
In memory of those we have served from Kevin and Patty Dusenbury, Virgil L. Howard Funeral Home
In memory of Jon Goerner from:
Priscilla Watson
Air-Preheater Benevolent Club
Jim & Betty Plotts
Carole & Nick Troupe
Casey Klesa
Jack & Penny Gavitt
Wanda Wright
Sami & Erick Duzick
Sherolyn Nanson
Ion Emery
Jenna McConnell
James Freeborn & family
Katie (McRandall) Brindle & family
Billy Sue Glover
Robin Murphy
Lenny Anderson
Sue & Ray Lawrence
The Burdick Family (Ron, Vicki, Devon, Dalton, Alyssa and kids)
Kim & Bob Alexander
Brandy, Garrett & Clara Lunger
Rick Harder
Bob Long
Dawn Newton
Carla Murihead
Georgia & David Goodwin
Kat & Jordan Leete & kids
Cheryl Gould
A good friend
Toni & Leo Haight
Kim & Bob Alexander
Bill & Caroline Powers
Michele Taylor
Our friends at Howard Hannah Professionals
Chelsey Bova & family
Kenny, Susan, Lilly & Victoria Klesa
Bill & Beckie Gould
Jeff Major
Scott & Amber Easton & family
Kim Sheets & family
Kenna Putman
Leona & Tyler Lawrence
Megan, Adinn, Aurora & Eloise Kellert
Mason Klesa
Jim & Dee Klesa (Mom & Dad)